Well like I said, pretty big gap between strongest to wimp.
I didn’t call him a wimp. I just asked why him having one cool moment suddenly makes him the strongest ever
Murder hobo is the bar you set. Not me so not sure why you are pinning me with it.
Of course he can… you can have goku who has power but doesn’t use it, refuses to use it or only sparingly and always holds himself back for ideals no one believes in except him. So yeah he can be as strong as Goku but still a total wimp.
Oh he is definitely weak of character.
If you find him strong and compelling, that’s your own subjective interpretation of the character but you would be very much in the minority in the community.
I also never said this.
As someone who has watched all of the Dragon Ball series at least three times at this point.
Not even alittle.
As I mentioned before he does not become a product of his environment indicating someone who has a strong will.
Chief, I have never once and all my years heard someone call Goku a wimp.
Think we’re going to have to just agree to disagree on this one.
Because Goku is not Andiun.
I am asking you to imagine a goku that refuses to fight and kill an opponent that threatens the earth but rather humanize them, spare them, allow them to remain a threat after this villain has tried and succeeded in destroying large swaths of the planet already.
There is no question Goku would have ended them after the first try, thats the difference between Andiun and Goku. You seem to mistake physical power with a strong character.
You can have a strong character that is physically weak and a physically strong character that is a whimpering weak character.
Again its your subjective interpretation. My interpretation is of a weak character who panders to idealism than to reality causing many to die in the process whom he is charged to protecting.
Chief I think you need to work on your reading skills.
You implied it because he did a light bubble and fought briefly in the maw
Can you just answer the question and stop doing this weird runaround please?
My dude, thats like…half the cast.
Almost every single character was his enemy at one point.
I can’t answer your question because what you perceived as my implication is just wrong. I don’t think he’s the strongest character.
Like I said, we have different interpretations, just got to agree to disagree. Really nothing else more to say.
Lol ok champ, settle down
So you’re avoiding answering it. Gotcha. I mean, it’s weird you just won’t answer the question, but whatever.
You were implying it here by the way.
I did answer it I said “I don’t think he’s the strongest”, like…literally, just now.
My implication was that he’s very strong, not the strongest. The dude literally has super powers, I don’t know what else you want me to say here

The dude literally has super powers, I don’t know what else you want me to say here
A light bubble is not a super power though…

A light bubble is not a super power though…
Make a light bubble and show me through a video right now.
I mean, say what you will about Anduin’s skills or lack-there-of as a fighter. The kid can mass-rez an entire army from the cusp of death and back into full fighting mode. Anyone who dismisses that out of hand is looking at this from hater-tinted glasses perspective.
You know WoW is not real right? Right?
I seriously hope you know its just a video game
As I said in another post.
Andiun can be as powerful as Goku where he can blow up entire worlds by shooting lazers out of his palms.
He is still a weak character who is idealistic and not ready to actually protect anyone he is supposed to be protecting.
Having power either political or physical or in this case even magical does not make a strong character strong.

You know WoW is not real right? Right?
Yes, that is literally my point to you.
He has powers, fictional, fantasy.
Have you seen what priests and Paladin’s can do? Why would that not be considered a superpower?

Have you seen what priests and Paladin’s can do? Why would that not be considered a superpower?
Because when everyone can do it, it’s not special
Ah i see.
Well in that case I would say he is definitely stronger than your average light user.
The issue with Anduin has never been that he isn’t a macho man power house like goku. He is plenty strong in his own right(pretty much mary sue powers)
The problem lies in three things.
One he is never wrong, two everyone still supports him, three there never should have been a “high king”
So to cover the first point, he has made so many mistakes as leader of the Alliance. The invasions of Lordearon and Drazalor were screw ups. Entire kingdoms have been destroyed under his rule. He has let mass murders loose or refused to kill them which has lead to more people dying. which leads us to point two.
Everyone for some reason still supports Anduin ignoring all his mistakes. Worse they don’t even mention them. He has no opposition in the Alliance, no one trying to remove him from power. He basically seen as the best king even though he got kingdoms, armies and his people killed.
Finally, why was a child with no experience, who has more interest in making peace with the Horde actively ignores their crimes being put in charge of the Alliance? It makes no sense for him to take control of multiple kingdoms when he only started ruling his own. Not to mention there should never be a “high king” only a supreme commander in which he wouldn’t be qualifed for either.
So there you have it, Anduin is like a spoilt child who always gets his way, apparently knows best and nobody disciplines. To me he represents everything wrong with the current writing of warcraft, which why with him being gone from the story gives me and I expect a few others more hope for the writing in dragonflight.

The invasions of Lordearon and Drazalor were screw ups.
Drazalor I understand but why Lordearon?

Everyone for some reason still supports Anduin ignoring all his mistakes. Worse they don’t even mention them. He has no opposition in the Alliance, no one trying to remove him from power.
Everything having to do with Zandilar was dumb, really made no sense why we were bothering with it. Is that more on him though or the leader of 7th Legion? (Halford, or whatever his name is)

It makes no sense for him to take control of multiple kingdoms when he only started ruling his own.
Think that’s just how the Alliance works. Its seat of power is the SW monarchy.

Drazalor I understand but why Lordearon?
He charged the entire alliance into a city full of plagues weapons without any preperations to deal with it. He also held back his people from taking down Sylvanas when they had the chance instead wanted her to surrender.

Everything having to do with Zandilar was dumb, really made no sense why we were bothering with it. Is that more on him though or the leader of 7th Legion? (Halford, or whatever his name is)
Halford setup the invasion well enough by rigging up the Zandalari fleet. However the actual invasion was ordered by Anduin which only drove the zandalar into the Hordes arms for good. Where as if we had focused our efforts elsewhere we might have prevented not only the Zandalar joining the Horde but also stopped the Horde earlier.

Think that’s just how the Alliance works. Its seat of power is the SW monarchy.
yes of the Monarchy of Stormwind not the Alliance. King of stormwind doesn’t automatically mean king of the Alliance and its stupid that blizzard wrote it that way and made everyone resent humans in the game because of it.