New Turalyon Voice Over and the future for the Lord Commander

Whatever some people say about the origins of humanity in real-life, humans in Warcraft are not a product of naturalist evolution. So even if there was something to it, it wouldn’t apply to them.

You might want to restate for all the dimwits who think Draenei and Elves are whenever there is a comparison with them and humanity.

True. Warcraft’s elves are not a product of naturalist evolution either. They are trolls mutated by magical energy, and lore implies the mutations were shaped or refined by the goddess Elune.

I don’t know enough about the origins of the Draenei to comment either way.


Now that we know that Argus had a world soul, I’m sure that played a big part in their evolution. And that the titans probably originated the planet in the distant past, since they did that with every planet containing a world soul.

That’s my best guess. Nothing about their evolution has been shared by blizz as far as I know

He’s a great soldier, I’m aware that being chosen as one of the first 5 paladins is no easy feat. We don’t need to bring in “if you know anything about him”

He’s a human that’s been alive for a thousand years. Well beyond human capabilities. We can safely say the light is probably holding his body and mind together. Reasonably speaking, his mind shouldn’t be all there.

You also don’t need him to snap to show he’s changed. It could be as little as being more ruthless than his Allies when fighting the horde. He’s been fighting the worst of the worst for a thousand years and he comes back to rule the throne of people he’s never known, or hasn’t seen in a thousand years. A man misplaced in time.

I’ll maintain my point, it’s bad writing that Turalyin came back and “nothing is wrong”.


I enjoy Turalyon threads that are really just disguised as a hate thread for Anduin tbh.

The worst thing is that I really liked Anduin’s character. The problem is that he has become this “model to be followed” of perfection.

Why was Varian such a great character? Because he had several flaws, and he acted incorrectly several times.

Anduin doesn’t, even when he makes mistakes, it’s because he was “good”. Like, trust Sylvanas.

I wanted to go back to liking Anduin like I used to, but he needs to be more “down to earth” for that, and not this angel incarnated in a character.


But the alliance still has theirs so you never know. Genn is still wandering around stormwind screaming SYLVANASSSS!

I think this mostly comes from how other people in the media react to Anduin than anything Anduin doesn himself honestly. Overall I really like Anduin, I just don’t like how other characters will proselytize him unnecessarily.

I hope with him being gone on a self-exile, that his return is somewhat interesting/different. They’ve set themselves up really well with this for a very interesting story with him coming back to Turalyon as reagent having more sway over the nobles. The key to this playing out well though is to not just villain-bat him and give some sort of in-universe sign that Anduin is just innately superior.

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I don’t understand why this is a bad thing, honestly, it’s why I like Anduin.
Being “down to Earth” in WoW pretty much means you are an insane murder hobo. Anduin goes against this mold and sticks to his guns no matter what. He’s pretty much one of the very few characters in writing whose will is strong enough to not become a product of his environment. (minus getting mind controlled)

And to people thinking he’s some wimpy pacifist, did you not see the butt he was kicking in the BfA opening cinematic? He is a High King who fought on the frontlines shoulder to shoulder with his fellow soldiers.


But my problem was never with his being a pacifist. I like that about him.

My problem is that he’s the “protagonist” of a game that shouldn’t have a protagonist. Think about it, whenever we see Anduin taking a side on something, we automatically know it’s the right side. That what he ally himself with, is what we must know is good and right. This is weak, because it makes him “The Chosen One”.

In addition to diminishing other characters that could be very interesting. Let’s take Turalyon as an example: The whole point comes from possibly making Turalyon a villain simply because Anduin can’t do wrong, he’s always right, he’s always right and anyone who takes a contrary side to Anduin, is automatically wrong. We saw this in BFA.

So even though Turalyon has been, in lore, a good leader for the last 3 years, he will still be a villain for Anduin’s return (probably).

I really like comparing Anduin with Varian. Because Varian had an almost perfect narrative arc based on what we saw in WoW.
He started with many mistakes and character flaws, tweaked that until he became a model father and king, and died a heroic and honorable death.

We didn’t see that in Anduin, as he was always correct and right, always sensible and never making real mistakes. With that, we assume that the character is always right in everything he does, and loses some of the narrative quality.

I would like to see Anduin “down to earth” in the sense that he would be a political leader, a king who would have to make difficult choices. He can remain a pacifist, he can remain religious and seek the Light for his decisions. But he would have to make decisions and make mistakes from time to time, get out of this protagonist position that is not meant to be his.


Because he is.


He can littarly 1v everyone in this thread.
Like, did you all just not see this and other cinematics of him fighting?

He has ONE cool moment and that means he’s the strongest ever?

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Oh wow he pushed 2 grunts away. What a Chad. Not. Literally anyone with a brain can kill him. A single scout troup held him captive back in MoP. He sucks. And alliance players need to realize that.

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Dont really care if he is goku, if he cares about the Horde and their honor more than Alliance’s survival.

He is not a character that I find interesting or compelling.
He is weak of character, idealistic and a mary stue.

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Still, no one blames him for being a questionable leader during the war. My whole point is: If someone who has little knowledge of the lore looked at the game now, the cinematics etc, would they see Anduin as the protagonist? I think so, and for a game of the mmo genre, which shouldn’t have a protagonist, that’s really bad.

Still, we work with the information given. And so far, the information shows that “Turalyon is popular with the nobles, and a natural leader for the troops, but the people miss their king…”. Shaw’s own words. We use this to see how they want to draw a parallel between the Turalyon government and the Anduin government, as if to pit them against each other.

No? So do you think that if Turalyon is cast as a villain, who will be the main character against him?

My problem is all this. WoW has a multitude of characters to work with, but they insist on putting Anduin ahead of everything since Legion because he’s the protagonist.

No? Well, I’d really like to understand why. Because really, there are few characters in WoW history that have a journey as interesting as Varian’s, and it hasn’t been spoiled at some point.

This also goes by my point. I didn’t say that Anduin always does what he wants, but that he always goes the way the script says is right.

It’s one thing for a character to seek to do what’s right, for him to do what’s best for his people, or for the world in general. Another is that he always does the right thing, because the script always puts him on the right path. So Anduin did not attack Sylvanas in Arathi because he is the honorable one, since then a serious parallel has been drawn between villain Sylvanas and hero Anduin. When Blizzard promised, in all words, that bfa would be morally gray for both sides. When was Anduin morally gray in BFA?

You are wrong there. I don’t think Anduin is a bad character, I just think he’s become uninteresting since he’s been The Chosen One. It would be much better to see him as a leader of the Alliance, who does want the best for both sides, but who puts his people, Stormwind City, first. Just as I like to see how characters like Lor’themar put blood elves first. This is how kings and leaders do it, they protect their people and then try to do things as peacefully as possible. And we don’t see that in Anduin.

When I say that he became The Chosen One, I give an example from other rpgs like Dragon Age. Where the world has its divisions and leaders, and then the protagonist goes and unites them all, because he is, in some way, the main character. And in WoW this shouldn’t be placed on any character.


Just out of curiosity, how exactly does one draw a sort of antagonistic relationship by a line like that?

“the people miss their king” sounds more like, they like Turalyon, so the kingdom isn’t suffering but they miss their actual king.

As far as I can gather in game, nobody showed any issue with Anduin’s leadership and they liked him. They also like Turalyon but he’s not a true replacement for the king they like.


We literally just saw him fighting in the Maw which is this universe’s equivalent of hell.

Go try fighting him then, you won’t make it past the first guards.

There’s a pretty large gap between murder hobo and pacifist. Do you not care that if hes Goku or is he also a wimp? Because he can’t be both.

He quite literally lead and won an entire global conflict. You guys can not like him but I think it’s a pretty far stretch to say he’s weak.

Question still stands.