New Tumblr Rules and the Spine of Deathwing

Socialized healthcare to the EXTREME


I just spent the last few hours watching movies while getting my insides flushed out and I have to say, this is not how I imagined this thread going.

lands a sicknasty grind onto free higher education


Don’t make me… Don’t make me do it! I swear to C’thun, one more step and I’ll…

Legalize medicinal use of (that substance the forums probably censor)!!!

I’ll legalize gay marriage while I’m at it man! I’m not afraid to LGBTQ all over this place and take all of you with me!!!


Y’know, it’s surprising how many of our threads end up this way.


I have not been able to sleep for three days now and the sounds of my thinking is causing me physical pain

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base jumps into women’s reproductive rights


places whoopie cushion under the seat of corrupt and undignified corporate executive

This guy internets. :point_up_2:



Well you know why diapers have to be changed as much as politicians.

You and my 97 year old grandmother should hang out. Your jokes and ideologies seem to line up pretty nicely.


When I write a lengthy post about why tumblr decided to remove CP off their website. I didn’t expect the next 20 replies to nitpick part of a sentence, not the whole sentence, part of it that says I didn’t like a group of people that goes around setting cars on fire and hitting garbage cans with bats to try to prove a point to the other side. As if that accomplishes anything.

Then they go and start generalizing my views while I feel like any form of defense I come up with will just be attacked with “LEL RANDOM POST” Nah dude let’s just assume I’m a racist that’s against LGBTQ+ people, better healthcare in this country, which I am well aware is a disaster and desperately needs to be modernized.

This thread was posted a while ago and I think it still stands. Many of the same people chose to nitpick one part of my post and attack me for it. Rather than discuss what I wanted as a whole. This forum is negative as all hell.

No. They aren’t.

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As opposed to your methodology: picking on randos on the internet. I’m sure the world is a better place now that you’ve done this, right?

Yeah that post was because Enekie was stating a harmless opinion about the game, and getting attacked over it. Not because she was politicizing a post that had nothing to do with politics, just to get a rise out of people.

If she had done that, I wouldn’t have said anything. You’re bringing up my response from another thread, out of context, and bringing it into a topic that’s totally unrelated. It doesn’t really make any sense.


I would argue that this debate about tumblr was already inherently political. And to be blunt. Despite the context, you saying personal attacks aren’t cool, then sliding in a snide comment towards me and about my perceived ideology does make sense.

So by your definition it’s okay for someone to say an opinion about one thing but when someone says something about another thing that you don’t like that’s when it’s okay to start inferring what they believe in even though you know nothing about them? That seems hardly fair.

No, “by my definition”, sometimes personal attacks are acceptable, sometimes they are not. Because the world isn’t black and white. You trying to frame that as me being hypocritical is purposefully naive on your part.

Someone :poop:posting political buzzwords and terms to get a rise out of people, is a bit different than someone saying “I think XY and Z about WoW”. If you are going to sit there and tell me that those two things are the same, I have to assume you’re willfully misunderstanding some basic social concepts, for the sake of an argument.


If you have to resort to personally attacking someone to get your point across then you’ve lost the argument already. And I know you can bring up the fact that I called the server “Trash” twice now. That refers however to the attitude of the community as a whole.

You are being hypocritical if I did think of it the first way. But if you think personal attacks are okay for people you think are on the other side of the political spectrum then go for it.

If you think I’m :poop:posting then I’m not sure what you think serious debate is. I AGREE with the people in this thread on why dumb callout blogs should be removed.

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Cool. So you won, you can stop now.


Lol it took you less than 10 seconds to reply to that. You didn’t even bother reading my post. I have nothing against you. You baffle me.