New Tumblr Rules and the Spine of Deathwing

As you all may have know Tumblr is going to implement some stricter regulations on what can be posted. Now this may affect WRA’s Resident Tumblr page the Spine of Deathwing …I however personally think this is a good thing.

I have seen several posts on the Spine which are basically people on the server Slandering one another. This is a bad thing because it not only creates a Toxic community on the server but it also dissuades people who are thinking of coming to WRA.

If the Spine of Deathwing is the representation of WRA it needs to show WRA in a positive light not a negative one …and I think the new rules for Tumblr will help that.

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Tumblr’s dead, problem solved itself.


The “strict rules” are about NSFW/nudity only. Tumblr’s not going to delete some call-out blog now if they hadn’t prior, as I’m sure that blog’s had many reports by disgruntled players over the years.

Additionally, if it’s so “bad” for WA, then why are you here plugging it, mister-unable-to-see-on-armory-silhouette with 0 other posts?


Any single place representing WrA is laughably unreasonable, considering how large the server is and how large of a variety there is when it comes to who’s on it.


A single person’s tumblr page doesn’t represent the server, and we have more accessible representations between this forum and the facebook page to depict largely a more accurate representation of who frequents the realm, and even that is saying a lot. WrA is made of thousands. We are but maybe a few hundred all combined.

No one needs to do anything. People will form their own opinions.


Tumblr won’t even ban the white supremacists. I very much doubt they’ll go after roleplayers sniping at each other on a tumblr blog.


That would hold merit if the Tumblr page did not market itself as representing WRA.

Because if I post on my main they will target me next.


Nah, I represent this server. The RP council backs my claim, both of which don’t exist.


and what will really happen?

maybe 1 or 2 people caring in game?


And anyone who takes them seriously is their own problem, not ours. Most people should know by now that drama-mongers that that very rarely represent who they say they do. They only represent themselves.


What even is this blog? Is this another thing like Wrasecrets? Does anyone actually care?

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The three most recent posts with proof on Spine, in reverse chronological order, are someone who’s chosen to use swastikas as his icons in places (tasteless, not a good sign), someone being transphobic, and someone going for the bigotry grab bag. Call-out posts posted there require proof.

And yeah, tumblr isn’t going to shut it down.

Tumblr??? Moderating??? In what world do you live in where tumblr, the site with active white supremacists, serial killer worshippers, and bone stealing witches has good moderation?


As someone who has studied digital forensics it is not that hard for someone to alter a screenshot in a way to make it appear natural unless the person looking at it knows what to look for. Sure some of that proof may be legit but then we go to the “Better to let 100 guilty men go free than one innocent be convicted” argument.

OP, you seem to be the only one concerned about this at all. Do you have some personal stake in this call-out blog?

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ITT: someone exposed and/or friends with someone exposed on spine for chicanery.


Na more like someone who may want to come to the server but the Spine of Deathwing call out section is making me have doubts even thought I try to a good community member.

I try to avoid drama as much as I can.

I’m pretty sure it’s fine, then. I don’t think most people who play here are even aware that thing exists.

You do realize that Spine accepts call-outs on all RP servers, right? WA and MG are more commonly featured due to population. ED used to have more of a presence as well.

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I have been on MG a bit and if there ARE call outs to MG are not really looked at by MG players because of the nature of MG.