New Tumblr Rules and the Spine of Deathwing

are you seriously saying people go through hours of work to photoshop screenshots just so they can post it to a small tumblr blog


I have played WoW for a while and believe me you would be surprised the lengths people will go to make a person’s life miserable out of spite.

So…you are afraid an online burn book/drama queens might say mean things about you. So what?


Yeah, Spine covers any WoW RP community, WrA and MG are just the most populated.

As it stands, one of the three recent ones has a history of being a known jerk and is still in the community because, lo and behold, only a small percentage of the community as a whole actually reads Spine.


I just went and checked out that blog and on the front page is the most vague callout I’ve ever seen, of a forum regular.

Based on the front-page content I conclude there is nothing on that tumblr important or interesting enough to gather a significant audience. If you’re worried about it, honestly, you can probably just ignore it.

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Well I was just concerned cuz according to the people on MG who came form WRA the spine was more well known and well listened too on WRA than what is shown in these posts…

I have spoke with some people on WRA and from what I saw the server seems like a nice place the only concern was the Spine but it seems it is not as much a concern as I thought. :grin:

Nobody tell him there’s a MG-secrets page, too.

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Browsing this page makes me think there’s a lot of people out there with too much free time on their hands.

I have a gay paladin with chronic pain and several injuries, his kid is gay, his best friend is a bi-poly death knight who’s husband is a bi paladin

As a gay dude I have no idea what bi-poly means.

Sorry this is funny to me because of the earlier post.

as long as theres no female presenting nipples, or vague pictures of deserts the bots flag as flesh tone nothin is gettin deleted from tumblr


off the cuff im going to guess theyre a bi dude who is polyamorous, ie in romantic/sexual relationships including more than one other person

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What is this?

tl;dr in order to appease it’s yahoo owners and to generate more avenues of ad revenue, tumblr enacted a blanket ban on pornographic material, specifically image depictions of sex and (mostly female) nudity. As well as written smut…I think.

Look it was a very slap dash and unorganized thing build out of greed and un-trained bot algorithms that are currently flagging anything remotely skin toned as sexual material word that starts with a p that the forum wont let me say.

Because of this the OP is, somewhat hastily, celebrating the death of a certain tumblr blog that dedicated itself to callout posts for allegedly toxic members of the WrA roleplay community. ie, racists, sexists, whatever-phobes, controllers abusers and the like as found in the loose definition of the WrA ‘community’ (or subsects there of).

Edited for sake of chill.

oh absolutely

the best part is that the bots ignore things tagged sfw so the bots just started tagging all their posts sfw and are now immune to tumblrs flagging bots

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You missed the point. I did not want the death of the blog I wanted it so it can’t be used by players with photoshop, time on their hands, and anger against another player to use it to turn the server against an innocent person.

Usually if people are being jerks ya can tell that usually in the first few seconds of rping with them as they are usually not subtle bout it…

The only people who would care about this are probably the same people who are A) Toxic individuals who don’t want to get called out, B) Toxic individuals who secretly do the calling out, or C) Bored idiots who actually follow the petty drama that unfolds on social media.

I’d hazard a guess that if you were to combine all 3 of the above demographics you would find a LOT of overlap, and a rather TRIVIAL amount of players compared to the larger population on WrA.



Spine, WRAsecrets, etc. have been around literally for years dude. It’s nothing new.

[quote=“Yaocuicatl-wyrmrest-accord, post:36, topic:56953, full:true”]
You missed the point. I did not want the death of the blog I wanted it so it can’t be used by players with photoshop, time on their hands, and anger against another player to use it to turn the server against an innocent person. [/quote]

and how exactly do you plan on banning photoshop from the internet

Usually if people are being jerks ya can tell that usually in the first few seconds of rping with them as they are usually not subtle bout it…

Honestly, no. No you do not. The fact that you think abusers are always 100% upfront about their abuse tells me you’ve lived a pretty sheltered internet life. I can assure you, from experience, that the worst abusers are the best at hiding it.


This is very true. Some of the people here have horror stories about people they know, who seemed perfectly normal for extended periods of time, turning out to be very abusive. Over-controlling, verbally unpleasant, and backstabbing.

It’s not expressly -common-, but it does happen.