New Troll Customizations are lacking

Indeed you should.

New faces and perhaps even face shapes like humans have gotten. Would make sense for the Farraki, looking at the ToT model.
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Updated main post

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I definitely agree with all the things said here.

I know I personally would love some necklace options for my character, as well as nostril piercing options in addition to the septum piercings we’ve been given (which are great, don’t get me wrong!) Tusk piercings and broken tusks definitely need to be available to all tusk shapes.

Males have very few hairstyles that actually look good, imo. Dreads would be fantastic, as well as more braided and mohawk options.

And facial hair. Please, for the love of the loa, let trolls have facial hair.


You forgot the main thing:
Option to have straight backs.

It’s glaring how the Zappyboi have that in the CGI… but ingame he’s suddenly suffering with a back problem lol.


I’d love to have a straight back option. But since that would ask for a new skeleton,
So I can wait a little longer for that.
I’d rather get the option at the same time Worgen and Forsaken players get straight backs as well

Why is Voljin the only troll with a beard?


Blood elves are getting a LOT in SLs. Jewelry, beards, new eyes (AGAIN), and even ear sizes… if anything the allied race elves need help. Especially nightborne.

Not only him. Rokhan sported a beard in wc3
Sul the Sandcrawler had one

And we see several trolls with beards in reforged

posture option for males, please. and while you’re at it, give us frost and forest trolls


it’s great that you included reddit thread in OP. I saw devs reading this site and it gives hope that it will be there eventually. Draenei revived more hairstyles for launch so I hope trolls will get more desireable options too.

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I want more variety of long hair like in this official art from back at wc3

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The more voices we get, the better!

I would love to see more troll options.
Blizzard spends to much time on elves. I think they need to move on.


You know what confuses me? Why are there several races with hairstyles that feature receding hairlines? Particularly Orcs, Darkspear Trolls, Zandalari, and even Nightborne. I guarantee you they’re the least used hairstyles on those races.

Why are female trolls allowed to have a smooth, wrinkle-free face option but not the males?

I wish I could wrap my head around the choices the character customization designer(s) make. :thinking:


please give trolls upright position and dreadlocks!!


Zandalari don’t have receding hairstyles, they’re shaved in certain way to have bald spots. It’s the Darkspear guys that have 3 receding hairstyles, one would be enough, if somone would want to play old man. But there is one that has really long braids whivh woulf be quite popular if the top of the head wouldn’t be bald.

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Two zandalari hairstyles do have receding hairlines. The rest being mistaken as receding is understandable though, since the shorter races can’t see the top of our heads without suffering from altitude sickness.

I support any requests that gives races more customization, but I super support more troll customization!


I find it weird that 2 of the 3 new skin colors they added were different shades of blue. I keep hoping they aren’t done and slip in a dark green color at some point. It’s not like it would take a great deal of work to change the hue


I’m not sure it needs a new skeleton.

I’m sad we didn’t see any new additions or changes so far.
Trolls really need some attention.
Even Gnomes have 7 face options (to view), Trolls only 5.