New Troll Customizations are lacking

Updated main post with a few more ideas

Orcs have gotten ear size, tusk jewelry and more beards

How about getting that for trolls as well, Blizz

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Not only that orcs received braided mohawk hairstyle.

The iconic hairstyle forest and Frost trolls were using. : [

And instead we get some aother weird bald hairstyle and friggin palm tree :confused:


The ear size difference is pretty small right now, it took me a minute to see the difference. But trolls should certainly get some ear size options, I’m extremely surprised orcs got ear options at all, not to mention before trolls.

The tusk jewelry right now for both races is only 2-3 options, but what makes it much better on orcs than on trolls is that it’s not tied to something else, it’s its own option, which is how it should work for trolls (though it would be more difficult to do on trolls because of tusk shape/size differences).

Edit: Replied to wrong person, my bad.

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Imagine how I feel when humans got Dreadlocks before TROLLS


Shouldn’t trolls be asking for different feet customizations?

I would like to see the Amani and Revantusk Trolls added into the fray!


Hoping the next build throws something for us. After seeing how many races including Orcs got mohawk before us is pretty…dissapointing to say the least


Hopefully… They can add stuff later, but the fact that something as essential as beards or actual dreadlocks are missing…


Oh yeah, the fact Blizzard still put the less effort overall and just copy from other rpg is astonishing and it gets more depressing as time advance and we’re reaching the beta phase next week.


Well, Orcs did get necklaces now, and Zandalari seem to be getting new eyes… Soo maybe?


It might just be an option to make the eye customization independent from the face as all other races currently have in case there are future updates. Nothing is set on stone, im afraid


I agree they are lacking. Male belfs are also lacking in new options that are not shared with their female counterparts. Tragic indeed.


I was very confused when I saw that trolls didn’t really get any new faces. They have so few. :confused: Trolls and Belves deserve more attention in customization. I really hope you all get forest trolls and many of the other things you want.


Yes, yes, yes!

Trolls need some love. Always feels like they get the short end of the stick.


Why did the Orcs get sort of a Amani / Drakkari mohawk before the Trolls?

The customization so far for Trolls are extremely lacking. Not even every tusk option got the broken, or piercing option.

I hope for so much more. So far Trolls are getting shafted.
Edit: Indeed Trolls desperately need more faces.
Don’t forget to share this link and send it to the devs.


I made another reddit thread, mostly tho push the great thread from Xamantul and to show Blizzard dedication from the Troll fan base.


How about a ‘age-slider’ instead of just making new options? Maybe they could also make it that you could change how ‘old’ the faces look? I’ve noticed that there’s like… one or two ‘young’ looking faces. The aged look would apply to every face option there is, and the ones that look older could be made to look young?

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An age slider would be good but not exclusive for a troll customization option as I think every race could get this

At least Blizzard said there will be more customization in the future.

I really hope this includes trolls.
The new hair styles are not enough. Old man 2.0 and a palm…
And no beards so far.

Let’s push this and hope they will listen to the fans.


I should update the main post asking for new faces. So far only humans got 'em