New Troll Customizations are lacking

I am, quite frankly, heartbroken about this. Customization was the one thing I was looking forward to the most in this expansion. They need to rethink this decision, because it’s a mistake.


A big one I think.

I don’t think its out of line to expect that a rather large sum of people were interested in this expansion for the customizations.

Indeed. Customization was legitmetaly the only thing in Shadowlands I was looking forward too. I’m not exagerating it. It was the only thing, not raids, not the “story” or anything other than customization options.

They asked for your feedback and players took their time and some created even amazing art. Their answer feels so disconnected from the fans. I’m really disappointed.


They could’ve at least add new hair colors. Like black hair :

Funny enough you can preview it in WoW head, sure it’s not perfect (as we see on Zandalari exmaple) but it’s still there.

Well. That was a grave dissapointment

Lets keep discussing ideas as we’ve been doing for half a year. Maybe for 11.3 they’ll try to add something


Fellow troll brothers and sisters! after the dire news from Q&A i feel you and hugely support more customization for trolls aswell for more races
as nightborne main i decided that we really need our voices to be heard and not keep silent for entire expansion after getting all our hopes crushed for more customization, blizzard still can change their mind and work on it this expansion


Oof. I feel for you. Nightborne got done dirty


To be honest, even if they’d fix them and make them like NPCs I still wouldn’t play them because their base design makes them all look by default like army of clones.

That’s because Blizzard worked on Nightborne models for a day and deemed them ready to be playable

They look seriously unfinished and it seems they will be for a long time

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Indeed this. Nightborne really need to be fixed, their models don’t seem finished at all

I still feel like Trolls have too view different face options (not as the only ones of course).

Keep it up with your creativity.

While this thread is focused on troll customization, I do feel every race should get more customization to be at least on par with humans who got TONS of new looks


I agree strongly with this take. I think a similar amount of customization option between all the races should be a given and archived.
This seems like the most basic thing to address to me.

They gave us a blind eye option but without the full color scheme or being able to choose which side is blind. It’s literally a texture change

As I said, even if they will fix them and add extra stuff, from design alone they will always have limited options. And will look roughly the same hence why this race will never be attractive to me.

I recently noticed that Trolls didn’t get one of the war paint colors featured at Blizzcon 2019. The tan color used on the male Troll with the bones paint is notably different from the dark yellowish war paint color that did end up in the final product.


You’re right. One option is missing. But so is
One Zandalari hair color that was presented during Blizzcon annoucing BfA.

Anyway, I began working on editing trolls myself. I will update it this topic with each alteration. But keep in mind I started with Zandalari.

Give a new hair color, AND edit eye options.

If someone is interested I can send teksture files.


Every omission makes me sad


Everybody needs more beards. Trolls, Orcs and Elves most of all,
mostly Trolls.

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The amazing thing is that Trolls DO have beards but they couldn’t even come up with it when rolling out ideas


I’ll try to mod it later, ok? I am quite rusty with it comes to modeling in 3D. Hence why I am making baby steps at first.