New Trinkets in PvP

Now RMD and RMP and breathe a sigh of relief that they can farm every comp for the entirety of the next season. Ohh locks can be thankful too.


I hate how accurate this statement is.


Great! Now nerf egg sac, both voodoo totems, ward and punchcard.

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Why do they wait 26 weeks to nerf stuff

Thankful for the foresight on the new trinkets, however

Yes, yes… Use your hatred!

thank you for doing something for pvp!! we appreciate it a lot. if possible please make some pvp specific class changes as well!

Nerf mage barrier as well, these mage comps can already outdampen most comp out there.

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Indirect buff to RMX comps, nice!


Glad they got nerfed! Now can we see passive heal nerfs to DK/DH/Warlock/Mage please? ANd mechagon punch card and healing trinkets like voodoo totem, ward (BoD item still BIS LUL) and eggsac/deffered?
Finally please nerf rogue mage? It’s only through these tank trinkets that most comps even stood a chance.

RMPal makes up like half or more of the gladiator and R1 spots. Better nerf the things that make it harder for them to win.

If you’re going to nerf things that help non RMPal classes compete, you’d better do something to tone down RMPal as well~


sure, after the Guardian nerfs lol. If more people were willing to play that spec it’d be the highest glad represented spec there is.

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…Good…, 1.

Forgot destro / mage / assa / guardian nerfs.


They didn’t on ptr for me

3 different ways to say 30% effective in pvp? at least there was no copy paste.

they might have nerfed these over powered trinkets but they havent nerfed the best items in the game! bewbz by far are the most powerful items in all of wow history and how they have gone this many years of not being nerfed has amazed me

Are you nerfing Ny’alotha weapon effects in PvP too?
Max HP% healing and DPS from weps specifically.

Lingering psychic shell
So will the shield still stop 80% on an incoming 150k bolt causing it to hit 30k instead? Just like trident? Or will it only absorb the shield amount then hit the remaining full amount?

Too little too late

Why did it take this long to fix these items after numerous concerns were posted about it?

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