New Trend. Nice

  1. You’re asking me to prove a negative. The postitive claim would be “you need at least one legendary to clear Castle Nathria” so the burden of proof is on you.
  2. If the raid truly needed you to have one to clear it, then there wouldn’t be legendaries that are only attainable in the raid. This would be like making it so you have to beat N’zoth to get your legendary cloak in 8.3, i.e. backwards.

Yes, which is why there are guaranteed ones e.g. Torghast and the Vault quest. But those ones may not be BiS.

With that said, I am in favor of them increasing the dungeon drop rates.

So many people trying to justify being a crap teammate. Want to spam the first or second boss of a dungeon? Use the Group Finder or make your own group and leave LFG for people who actually want to complete the dungeon. It’s that simple.


Yeah I think it should be reportable if people are doing this for 10+ runs like they say. 10 is a low number from what I have read too. Make your own groups to farm them in. It’s not fair to strangers to do this even if blizzard made a bad design. You are responsible for your choices as a player and this is pretty toxic behaviour.

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Why? Who are you to tell anyone what LFG is for? No one has any right to force another person to do something in a video game that they don’t want to do. Dont like it?

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Plus they are screwing over other tanks who would queue for that legendary. They get into the dungeon they targeted, and the boss that drops their legendary is gone. Then they either take one for the team literally and finish the run for no personal gain, or leave and the group has to wait again.

It’s extremely toxic and entitled.

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Everyone has an opinion on how the game should be ran and what people should and shouldn’t be doing. Rutro has every right to voice their opinion on what they feel should be done. Just as used you exercised such liberty here to criticize them. Your place of moral high-ground doesn’t change that fact you’re doing the same thing.

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Running a dungeon for loot and quitting after not getting said loot has been a thing for 16 years.

This isn’t “new”. Get with it.

Not quite that long, but ever since dungeon finder, yeah.

People having concerns about the state of the game isn’t new. maybe you should, in your own words:

What? Of course these are all opinions what gave you the impression that I was denying anyone the right to voice theirs? Your definition of criticism lacks sense too, perhaps stay on the topic at hand instead?

Yes it’s the new trend.

I like pretending to hearth after we kill the first boss and then yell JK!!!

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Such an easy solution to the problem but, Blizzard.

I have tried to avoid dropping groups to not be a bad person, however, I’m tired of running Theater of Pain over and over and over again. Being a disposable DPS, who can be easily replaced, better for me to bounce after the first boss then to waste 15-20 mins banging my head while starring at rotting flesh.

I remember they had to add “Kill the Last Boss” to most of the Legion dungeon quests due to this problem.

Meh. More loot for me

Other hunters keep getting ember legendary in my groups sigh…

Players are just tired of poorly designed rental systems and cutting through all the endless grind and abysmal drop rates however possible. I don’t blame them.

Not a new trend , been happening since forever when loot they need does not drop … Also join the 1000 threads about this instead of making new ones each time …

All I get is versatility gear as a spec that needs haste or crit.