That’s what happens when there’s not enough non-gear incentive to actually run a dungeon: people just do the minimum they need, then drop group to do other things.
This is the flip side of accessibility and queue content.
More selfish behavior.
You don’t see people bailing mid dungeon in classic if they don’t need the final boss.
As a full-time tank I can say that I’ve seen more dps and healers drop than I can count.
So it’s not a tank problem, its a player problem.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Perhaps a cache like in M+ with a incremental percentage increase on times ran? I’m not a dev, but I think something like that may work.
blizzard increased the drop rate on heroic and mythic (and increased the rates per level in M+) so it should help alleviate it a bit more
It seems to be that way. However, I think what’s happening here is the ones who’ve already met their weekly lockouts are burning through these.
All they had to do was have the leggos drop only from the final boss in the dungeons. Really very simple.
They buffed the drop rates yesterday via hotfix. Mythic has a really high chance while heroic is lower and normal being the lowest
Yes, this - or they could do what Diablo does and tie drop rates to difficulty, e.g. make Heroic higher than Mythic, and at a certain key level (say, 7) they become guaranteed.
This so much. As frustrating as it is having my leggo drop from the last boss in Spires and seeing the churn in the group to that point, I can’t even blame anyone for only running up to the boss that drops theirs and bouncing. I don’t know what a reasonable expectation of getting the legendary in groups should be, but I know this feels unreasonable.
I cleared Mythic Theater of Pain yesterday without seeing mine. I guess I’ll try Heroic then…
buffed it… not guaranteed.
I don’t know why people care that much for heroics. You wait like 2 or 3 minutes in the worst case scenario.
Also fair to point out that I have left a few that I specific queue for since I am targeting a specific drop. Even without leggos people still do it when they gear up and start needing less and less.
I mean like I said, I do stick around because for me the last boss is super easy and literally within /spit distance.
But for others yeah. When you queue with a group, you’re literally using the group in the hopes of getting what you want. They’re doing the same thing. We’re all using each other for our own goals in a dungeon.
Some people don’t have a guild or dedicated group. Hell, I played Legion as an essentially solo player up until Antorus dropped. But dungeon dropping because there hasn’t been a drop has always been a thing, even when Classic was current. At least now you push one button and wait at most 2 minutes for another person to fill their spot as opposed to having to send someone to a capital city and advertise in Trade chat for 25 minutes to an hour.
It’s kinda was like this since the day WOTLK introduced this system.
You know the same thing is going to happen in LFR as well as some classes best ones are in the raid.
Really they should have just put a system attached Torghast, which makes more sense as that is where the rune carver is, that lets you get the one you want or put them on rep vendors. Would avoid the whole issue.
You finish the run. Don’t be a zoomer millenial.
it should all be from the last boss its kinda weird
It mostly goes away next week at least.