Back in the day, if something offended you, you asked someone to politely stop. If they didn’t, or chose to continue doing something in a public forum, that was grounds for a report. In the past, Blizzard had stated that before reporting, if you hadn’t asked someone to stop the bad behavior, there likely wasn’t going to be any action taken. After all, how was someone supposed to know that the other person was bothered by something you were doing?
There are, of course, ways around these sorts of things like, for instance, writing expletive instead of typing out the actual expletive. Or using an emote to convey an idea rather than spoken words.
What I see here is nothing short of simply asking people to keep drama-heavy RP to private chats and keep the public channels open for less difficult kinds of interactions. It’s not ideal, but this is something that’s always been an issue when it comes to RP. And knowing when to take your RP to private channels has always existed (like since Vanilla, even).
It’s never fun to have to admit that something bothers or seems offensive to me; nine times out of ten it creates a lot more drama than just staying silent. But if we aren’t willing to speak up, if we don’t let others know when we’re upset or offended by something–if we don’t ask them to stop, it’s really not fair to expect them to know when we’re bothered. If we’ve done that much and they’re still willing to continue, it’s safe to say they’re exhibiting bad behavior worthy of a report.
If you’re thinking of reporting someone for something, please ask them to stop the behavior first; let them know you find it troubling or offensive. If they’re unwilling to take their conversations elsewhere (i.e. somewhere less public) or continue to do something you asked them not to do, report them. Blizzard will take those reports more seriously than those who just indiscriminately report people for “reasons.”
And if you don’t want to ask someone to stop what they’re doing, there’s an ignore feature. It’s pretty handy and often makes the game a lot more relaxing when used. I do wish that Blizzard would consider taking a look at certain characters or accounts if they find a lot of people have put that person on ignore, though. They’d likely find all the buying and selling of boosts toons that I really don’t want to take the time to report. Or that one guy that keeps asking me if I’m a girl and do I do things like ERP.