NEW tinker CLASS and NEW WEAPON (One-handed pistol/crossbow)

The main thing here is that wow needs to keep adding new stuff, and selling expansions.
New clases are one of the most wanted thing every expansion. I dont see a future where blizzard stops adding classes to the game, at least that future isn’t near

There’s like 5 players demanding new classes. More people want balanced classes than new classes, and it’s not even close.

I don’t really know about that tbh. Everyone I know gets excited when they show a new class.

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I have time. I see you’re excited about this, but no.

Sure did. Glad 3% of the player base is happy with those abominations, but hey, the furries needed sidekics.

I like the way you think.

But, don’t we all disagree with that choice?

Oh, it is small. Do you think you’re talking about over a hundred thousand people deeply devoted to this, that would play this? Main this even? Because that would still be a small number.

It’s EXACTLY the same. Why do you think you see thousands of druids farming herbs and about 2 fury warriors. Think before you post. Sheesh.

Because no one ever actually does it. Or very few people do. The interest just isn’t there based off of what people actively play. Same with races. You could satisfy a supermajority of players with two each of the current races on both faction sides. This is what the numbers show. Is it good or bad? Don’t know.

Wasn’t talking to u there.

If you stop adding new classes, the numbers will eventually get lower.
Okay, maybe not a class, but they have to expand the current specs or do something.
Not bringin new calsses or make something similar would be a big mistake in my opinion, and probably on blizzards opinion too. They have been adding new classes every 2 expansions without leaving a single one. People are now used to this cycle.

I knew that. Because I can read. And I had time to. But thanks for letting me know that.

I’m not saying this isn’t true. I’m saying people don’t play the new classes or races in the numbers that you may think. If you look at the numbers, the numbers are saying it is a dud.

I suposed u didn’t knew that because you asnwered to a message that wasn’t for you. (=

Whatever man.
I am sure that if blizzard anounces the next expansion whitout a new class, it would be the most talked thing about. And on a bad way.

You’re welcome to your opinion.

It’s wrong, but you’re welcome to it.

Well, I’ve decided that I’m not going to respond to any more destructive criticism in this post, as sadly most of it is.
I accept constructive criticism, ideas on what I have written or ideas on new classes or new weapons. I love to see more of those things here. But I’m not going to accept any more criticism that contributes nothing and has been written by a few bitter people.
The tinker is a class that ALREADY EXISTS in the Warcraft lore. There is no logical reason to say it shouldn’t be in the game, or that it’s a boring class, etc.
You may not like the idea of the tinker, I’m fine with that and you can say so, but just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean other people cannot like them either, and want them in the game.
I never liked the dracthyr, but I was fine with them being added to the game as they were an ADDITION. When they added the dracthyr, was I forced to play them? No. So I didn’t care about them. As long as a person who plays this game likes the dracthyr, I’m fine with them being in the game.

If you like to criticize for the sake of criticizing, think you are right in everything you say and belittle the work of others for fun. Do it, I’m not going to listen to you anymore.
You are very sad people.

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I had to put so many people on ignore because of this. They don’t want to actually discuss it, they want to stomp on it and call anyone who wants it as idiots

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I didn’t expect ppl to be like that ngl. I expected good criticism, but not this haha

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I’d rather it be Tank/Dps/Dps. I want a battle-alchemist and tinker is the only way that can happen. We can skip adding a healer spec this time around.

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U mean alchemist as a whole new class?
I could see It too. Like priests, 1 dps spec and 2 specs of healer.

I don’t think it could be an entire class. That’s why having it as a spec for tinker would be the only real way it could happen. Specifically, a dps spec is what I’m looking for.

It’s already in WoW, it’s called engineering, regardless of how you want to disregard it or spin it as something different.

Engineering isn’t a class… move on with this tired ‘argument’ against a tech class.

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It’s like me asking for a Seamstress class when we already have Tailoring. It’s dumb.

Yeah, I already ignored people who make that argument. Why be a druid that uses nature to attack when you have herbalism that you can pick flowers? That is how they sound to me.

Why be a gunman when we already have gunsmiths? Why be a gernaderer if you are a bomb maker? Why be a sniper when you can make a gun.

See how silly that sounds

Yeah, shapeshifting and picking flowers, those are exactly the same. Baffling.