New Tier Sets 10.1

I’d say pally lost in the sense that priest got what paladins should have gotten.

Paladin set is still dope though! I think this will finally be the expansion where I play alts again. Hoping rogue is as easy as everyone says they are. And could never stomach playing a priest but I guess I’ll make an exception this one time.

Wowwwww I thought this seasons were good. Glad ive been working on leveling everything :joy:

Really? There wasn’t a single set i liked this season.

I mean compared to what? Compared to SL s4 sets they’re 10/10s

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Honestly, I thought they were both about equally awful…MAYBE this season’s are a tad better. It’s kind of ironic that the first 2 sets they made since reintroducing class specific tier sets sucked terribly. At least this upcoming season doesn’t look so bad.

I geuninely think that this seasons sets are some of the best they’ve ever made. Mage, priest and lock are kinda mid but the rest are amazing. Like tou dont even like the druid one its one of the best ones

Some of those are cool but that monk set is pretty lame.