New tier sets 10.1

Just give me a space marine set already Blizzard!

Clearly some sets are better than others… as always
clearly someone did something very WRONG and listed the Paladin as a Priest set!

The druid and rogue sets look really good.

Shammy set! Gimmiegimmiegimmie!!

yeah priest set just fits paladin 100% better as said 100 times in this thread lol.

It just fits the paladin theme all the way. Monks look goofy as per normal.


Looking at the pictures it is clear Priest is now a plate user class while Paladin became a cloth wearing class. Very out of touch from Blizzard.


I think my issue with the whole thing is CLEARLY someone at blizzard plays a priest because that set is LIGHT YEARS away from the other trash they posted and dare call a tier set.

The art work, wings, design, feel, look everything about the priest set SCREAMS look at me, this is tier, and I am epic and I am a priest.

The other sets are like:

Look at me HERRPP I’m’A set!

Or maybe it was more like:
Hey guys look at all these other sets, we know the priest set is god tier but how about the other sets!? and everyone went

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They’re really having a conniption in here.


I keep seeing people whining that the Priest set looks like it is for Paladins. What qualities does it have that makes it more for Paladins than Priests?

Is it the color scheme? Well, red, gold, black, and white is not a Paladin specific color scheme. It was used once for the Paladin tier 2 set. The same color scheme was used for the Priest tier 1 set as well as several cloth sets in Sepulcher of the First Ones.

Is it the gold embellishments? Those don’t look like pieces of plate, they look like flimsy metallic embellishments. This is nothing new for cloth sets. Several cloth sets have had embellishments that look like they are made of pieces of metal.

Is it the wings and halo? Angelic features have been iconic to both Priest and Paladins. Crowns, halos, and wings have been on several Priest and Paladin sets. It is not exclusive to Paladins.

Is it the face cover? Masks like that are not exclusive to Paladins. Several cloth sets, including those for priests, have had similar facial coverings.


Y’all have a paladin though… no priest set was made.

oh boy
another singular animal shoulder skull to add to my extremely sparse single animal shoulder skull collection

why do you keep doing us like this


Dam blizz the Hunter set is not on par with the rest. So ugly

Blizzard used all the gold on the Priest and the Evoker. When it came time to do the Paladin set, they only had cheaper Bronze/Copper left… :frowning:

What is making people whine is because the Priest set looks exactly like plate armor while the Paladin tier set is a robe, something you would see in a cloth wearing class just like Priest. You can tell by the similarity of Paladin and Warlock sets.

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Your comment here, along with comments made by others, made me go into the game and check out the various Priest armor sets. So many of them are really good. You’re acting like you’ve been playing a Hunter with that “Priests finally get a good set!!!” junk.

I’ve been here since vanilla and also mained a hunter so…

You’re welcome to your opinion, but objectively speaking, there’s a few things that make the Priest sets mediocre usually.

-Tube dresses.
-Lack of non-paint-on pants.
-Lack of non-paint-on boots.

No it doesn’t. The Priest set looks like cloth armor with metallic embellishments. That has been done on several cloth sets in the past. Cloth is also not synonymous with robe.

Paladin having a robe is nothing new. Look at their tier 2 set, the one everyone is complaining the new Priest set is ripping off (it isn’t).

Covetous Paladins are gonna covet.

This is a stupid complaint considering the set (tier 2) Pallys are pretending it resembles is a friggin robe.

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You just confirmed what we’ve been saying. 10.1 Tier set resembles a robe just like the tier 2 set. Thanks for proving we are right.