New Tier 3 crafting costs 2.8 million gold just for vendor mats + whatever crafters charge you

Then that means it has no effect on you either way…why complain?

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I dont believe its class specific in the sense of the final product (t3 armor) being class restricted. From what I’ve been able to see from researching, the items produced use the original T3 item ID’s and those items are not class restricted. That said, only the class originally intended to use that armor can unlock the appearance. But once it’s unlocked, any class of that armor type can mog it.

My Death Knight sports Warrior T3

And there’s no evidence of new item ID’s using the T3 appearances on wowhead. So if you want your DK to use Warrior T3, you’d have to have it made on a Warrior to unlock the appearance, but once unlocked, your DK should be able to mog it like mine can.

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Oh no! a thing i don’t need costs a lot of gold. If anything i hope blizzard adds more gold sinks like this so the price of the wow token drops so i don’t have to farm so much to keep playing the game for free.

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This is will actually increase the cost of the token, because there will be more demand for gold. It will also embolden and increase traffic of gold sellers.


The real flex is the ring that I definitely did not obtain in the last week before wrath launch, the last time it was ever obtainable.


That would be great, but it’s hard to do that nowadays. Something in the game has a high gold value=“bObBy nEeDs aNoTheR yAcHt”

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Bobby is about to no longer own any of activation once the deal closes.

Hey y’all, I just crafted the priest bracers from the quest and they’re usable on my warlock.


Another day in the current year wow clown show :clown_face: :clown_face:


i just got my 6th undeathmetal made now the rng and farming will begin lol

So, what prices are people charging to make the T3 pieces so far?

the undeath metals i tip somewhere in 5k-15k gold i only needed 6

This actually is outrageous. I lawled when the item was 2k. Not bad. Actually. Then I realized I needed 70 of them for the bracer. I’m never going to have 2.8k million to get T3. I’ll just never do this. Hard pass.

I think this is the same boat for a lot of people. Or they do have the gold to easily afford it but can’t be bothered to deal with the requirement of a crafter with that specific Tier3 set to craft it for you.

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ty for this report, at least there’s that.

They struck a good balance in zg, why screw it up?!

The honest answer is by their own fault gold has become overly inflated so every now and then they do these things where they try and remove some from the economy (making people buy 2.4million in Phylacterweave per set they want).

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Only one worth getting is probably the mage set, The Heroic naxx 25 armor for warriors looks better imo. Looks good on death knights though.

the naxx 25 can not be used on dks thats why us dks go after the tier 3 warrior

Yeah this system is wonky. They should’ve cost a little more than BMAH prices imo. Not this insanity we have.