New Thrall statue... doesn't make sense

Pretty sure all of their “hero” statues use those dimensions, plus or minus half an inch.

I just got the Diablo “Lilith” statue and it’s about an inch taller than Illidan. It’s AMAZING.

Dude that statue looks amazing. Lilith hype is real!

Because it’s LIMITED!

You have a product. You can make 20k of them. You make 19k normally, and off that same line you pull 1k before paint. You then sell the 19k at $100 each and list a “limited edition one run only” for $1000.



You HEAVILY increased your profit because “limited edition”.

The minute you paint it all possible value for resale would be lost.

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How about we instead spend that $800 on a new 3080.

Could you imagine buying a $750 plastic statue only to have your kid decide to paint it for you. :rofl: :joy:

Not unusual when something is done by hand. A machine will copy the exact same steps every time, but humans will do it ever so slightly different each time. Maybe an extra bit of paint here, or slightly different strokes or textures.

I’d rather buy a new computer. Also just out of curiosity, is there an Alliance statue? I’m still in disbelief at the price.

I don’t understand why they labeled it as warchief… he isn’t our leader. Imo there isn’t anything too special about him anymore.

Granted it’s an fake universe but at least in our world, a person is generally afforded the highest ranking title they achieved as a sign of respect. Sometimes it’s for a limited time (20 years, etc), but generally it’s a for the rest of your life.

That’s just the “real” side of it. From a MARKETING standpoint, I would do that just to further emphasis/remind people WHO it actually is. It adds to the sizzle of the sale. :wink:

Considering Thralls current status I couldn’t think of anything more worthless to buy.


I’m assuming the limited edition has the incorrect photos loaded? And yes polyresin does harden into a “plastic” but it is one of the best material for statues such as this. Given the level of detail and that it is hand painted the price really doesn’t seem unreasonable. While i would never pay that for a collectible that doesn’t mean it isn’t appropriately priced. This thing also stands at nearly 2ft tall and weighs nearly 40lbs. The limited edition comes with additional hands to display ot with or without a weapon.

This isn’t your 3D printer plastic nor will a 3D printer produce this level of detail. It also will not hand paint each one.

Still waaaaaaaaaaay overpriced and a rip off imo

If it’s not for you then it’s not for you. If this was just a run of the mill low detail figurine with cheap plastic then I would be inclined to agree. The price really isn’t off base though, you just aren’t the target audience and neither am I. I will promise you this thing wasn’t cheap to make just because it’s a “plastic” statue. The cost to manufacture one is probably more than most would be willing to spend on it.

I’m not convinced of that. Even “hobbyist” 3D printers in the $1-5k range can make prints with INSANE amounts of details. Things go up exponentially when you get in the $10k range (which I would still consider a hobbyist could afford).

I’m not denying the Blizz stuff is made on a $100k commercial printer, but my guess is those printers have much more do to with QUANTITY than quality.

An entry hobbyist 3D printer will make an amazing statue… but it’ll take 3 days. My guess is the Blizz printer spits these out in 90mins. That’s what you’re paying for. A commercial printer can also do it in 1 piece, the hobbyist printers have to be done in many different pieces.

But from what I’ve seen on YT, a $5k printer can blow your mind with its level of detail.

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Also… I’m sure BOTH versions are like this.

The Illidan statue comes with both bare hands, and hands that hold his Warglaives. I don’t know who is that one guy that is displaying Illidan WITHOUT Warglaives (lol!) but they give you that option.

Time to find people who bought it and send them to the stake.

I will never understand why people try to figure out blizzard, even they don’t know, that’s why they hired a writer who stitches together their garbled disjointed lore and stories into novels.

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A) Its ugly
B) Its overpriced just like all their other junk
C) Itll end up as crappily made as the Jaina one which was just as expensive. If anyone saw how those were sent out, that crap ain’t worh $25 much less $600.

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Did you see the jaina figures they sent out? Promised highly detailed and painted statue, ended up with basically a fimo clay 2 year olds replica.

Wrong. 3D home printers that use UV resin can get incredible levels of detail. I have one.

The jaina painted statues didn’t end up too nice now did they?

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