New Thrall statue... doesn't make sense

You ever looked at Warhammer prices? Plastic sells like crack


After looking at it I would just assume they got the items mixed up. Obviously I would confirm before going in on a $500+ purchase, but that’s just my assumption.

Edit: The product ID is the same on both statues as well as is both descriptions. Whatever the intention is for what they are supposed to be to me it just looks like they messed it up on the website side of things.

lol I could 3d print that unpainted statue on my SLA printer in like 1 day. For that amount you can buy 2 SLA printers and have bunch of resin plastic.

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LE $750
RE $600

Wouldn’t buy either of those. Definitely not at those prices. Do you know what my penny pinching butt could get for $750??!!!

Not 1 item that’s for sure

I’ve got the Lich king statue that sideshow did years ago, and the jaina and sylvanas statues that Blizzard made. Honestly I can’t really tell that much of a difference in quality. They’re all really well done. I would assume that plain white one is a mistake, or they don’t have a photo of the painted one yet. I can’t imagine they’re actually charging that much more for an unpainted version.

I have all of the Blizz ones, except Jaina because of just how BAD she looks.

Although there’s a model maker named Christoper Olson who is a movie-quality maker. Apparently there was a really famous Luke Skywalker statue that had a similar issue with looking NOTHING like Luke Skywalker. So… he chopped off the head, had one 3D-printed, and painted it to match the rest of the model.

I’ve honestly thought about doing the same thing with the Jaina statue. lol

I did not say that hand painting has zero intrinsic value. The question is more about why they are charging more the unpainted one. In some cases paint can be used to cover up minor flaws in the statues, like if there were patches done to it or discoloration. In the case of the unpainted ones they have to use the statues that come out flawless.

Or they messed up and did not put a picture of the LE painted one, just the prototype pictures. I know that sometimes the paint jobs can be very different and more detailed.

It could be a mistake. Honestly I am not a statue type of person. I prefer action figures and things with moveable parts.

I mean fair point, but why do you pinch pennies with your butt though?

When I was in college I knew some guys who… well, nevermind.

It says it’s artist-proof. Therefore, the artists haven’t touched it yet.

modern thrall sucks anyway. There’s no spark, he’s fallen and need help to get up

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I would assume this is, at least partially, for “hardcore” collectors who want to paint it themselves. No matter how well the company does, hobbyists will always be able to put a LOT more time and effort into the job if they want.

I think someone screwed up the store listings for these though, as even the “unpainted” version says it is hand painted in the description.

Man you’re crazy, I love the jaina statue. It looks miles better than her in-game model and I guarantee if she’s ever in one of their high quality cinematics, this is how she’ll look. That seems to be what they base these statues off of.

I’m the opposite, I’ve always thought action figures look too clunky with their joints and everything. On the other hand they’re pretty much always far cheaper which is a bonus lol

It almost has to be a mistake, unless they were going for the same look they gave those anniversary mounts. The “alabaster” ones. That would be incredibly stupid though imo.

It really depends on the action figure and the price point you buy at. I also am not bothered by their joints too much because I like moving them around, basically I still like to play with toys. :laughing: Now I will never turn down any Berserk statue that someone wants to give me.

I don’t know about the alabaster look because there would still need to be some shading to bring out all of the designs. Even with the alabaster ones I think the would do something to bring out the dimensions and depth of the piece. Darker creams or grey tones to still keep that monochromatic feel.

It’s a talent. :joy::joy::joy:

This is subjective and while I’m glad you like it, all you have to do is look for all the threads about it when it was first released: NO ONE liked it. There were lots of threads, all of them had decent participation, and I literally never saw a single post that liked how the statue looks.

And there’s a reason for that. While you may like the statue better than the in-game version, the undeniable fact is that the in-game version of Jaina has been around a LONG time. If you’re going to say “Jaina looks a certain way” is it going to be from DECADES of in-game versions, or from a one-off statue obviously made by a drunk guy still learning how to 3D model?

I’m teasing a little, and again-- I’m glad you like that version for the statue-- but there’s a reason the other 99.9% of people hate it. Jaina has an ESTABLISHED look, it was a fine look (she’s plenty hot in the game), and they changed it for no reason.

$800 stature? Lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo




Yes. It’s a complete rip off. It is a chunk of plastic. Mark up is probably 10,000 percent and the artist that paints them are most likely underpaid students. Illidan is also 24" in height and 399.00.

Who cares about Thrall, he’s a has-been. He’s barely an Orc. If they reissued Sylvanas I might consider throwing away that much cash, but I am not paying the amount that they are asking on ebay for her. A fool and his money are soon parted.

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Don’t need to, I was there. And at no point were we talking about what the general playerbase thinks, we were giving our own opinions, so I’m not sure why you’re going into any of that since frankly it doesn’t matter. If you want a statue that looks more like the silly, Disney-esque model they use for Jaina in game, I believe they released a much crappier looking one recently with her water elemental.

Holy cow that figure looks so good. No idea why the uncolored one is more expensive.

Also 23in height with 14in width? This thing is a beast.