New talent trees

I don’t suppose you have any idea of when or even IF the druid talent tree’s will be looked at by someone genuinely interested in giving druid its place in WoW. Hecc, I would take the job along with all the tuning for each of the 4 specs to provide a level playing field and not have each spec treated as a joke by the community as a whole. This will be a chance missed if someone doesnt take the reins. Have you seen the interest in the recent cat game of Stray? You could have that in WoW. Interest in the game for a feature.

The druid community is small because it is always treated as a side project.
The druid community is small because everyone who wants to play it see’s our damage numbers or our utility or the past history from the mythic dungeon series or the race to world first.

Make it happen and WoW will grow. Else druid becomes a lost opportunity for Blizzard and the community like so many other years before. Hit me up and I’ll gather ideas for talent trees for spec and the general tree to increase the membership.

Switching Infected Wounds and Survival Instinct isn’t good enough for feral and the other specs have issues too. Check my Feedback: Feral in Druid for the work I would do, that many of us would do for a bit of communication


Why are Primal Wrath and Sudden Ambush STILL gatekeeping me from the entire bottom left side of the Feral tree???


I’m a Restoration main, so I’m not that well-versed in the other specs, but here are my thoughts on the Dragonflight Druid talent trees.

Guardian: Absolutely HATE that Circle of Life & Death is required for Incarnation form, it’s the only spec that has that happen and it feels entirely unnecessary. Please for the love of god change that. Otherwise I like the talents!

Balance: Honestly I don’t have any major issues with this spec, it just doesn’t feel all that exciting. The other specs have a good amount of new/returning stuff that I’m hyped for, but this one doesn’t really. It feels very streamlined and point-efficient, just nothing stands out all that much.

Feral: Probably my least played spec, so take this with a grain of salt, but I’m not a huge fan of this one. There’s a few interesting things, so it has something going for itself; but WAY too many 3-ranks talent, like A LOT more than the other specs it just feels bad. Also the distribution of types of talents (ie. Bleeds, Tiger Fury-related, AoE, etc.) are all over the place so it feels really hard/impossible to really maximize a play-style; would be nice if it was like “bleed-focused stuff on the right side of the tree, AoE on the left side” or something similar to that.

Share Tree: For the most part I like it! My biggest gripe is that I wish Hibernate & Cyclone would be switched. Moonkin being a requirement for Hibernate is…a choice. It would make more sense to have Cyclone in that spot since wind-related spells tend to be associated with Balance, like Typhoon. As a resto I use Hibernate way more often than Cyclone and I really don’t want to have to take Moonkin form just to get access to Hibernate…Otherwise I’m a bit disappointed that Solar Beam isn’t on the shared tree, and that Renewal isn’t higher up, but even if those 2 talents stay the same it wouldn’t bother me too much. So yeah besides the Hibernate thing I really like the shared tree!

Restoration: As a resto druid through-and-through, all I got to say is: Nice! Been playing around the tree a bit and honestly I barely have any issues with it! It enables different play-styles and there’s A LOT of really cool stuff to pick from. Honestly my only problem with it is that you still have to pick between Abundance & Cenarion Ward, I love both those talents and wish I could pick both…Maybe Ysera’s Gift should be 2 points instead of 3? (it’s kind of sad that it’s not on the shared tree as well, but not that big of a deal)

so tl;dr
Hibernate should switch place with Cyclone on the shared tree.
Feral: talents should have less 3-ranks.
Balance: could use a couple of more interesting/fun talents.
Guardian: shouldn’t have Circle of Life & Death be a requirement for Incarnation.
Restoration: wish we could pick both Abundance AND Cenarion Ward.

Otherwise I think they did a really good job for Druids! I’m excited! :slight_smile:

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The only complaint I have and I suppose many have seen in the healer spec tree (comparing it with another). Rdruid is missing that offensive element (at least 1 offensive spell so I don’t consider convoke or swarm as they are more focused on healing than doing good dps). In case we get to the point where the DF M+ keys (or even early if it’s a SL 2.0 with few mechanics and damage), then we’ll have a lot of problems since so far they’ve given him a lot of passive healing abilities and offensive spells to the other healers except the Rdruid (at least it would be the detail of offensive spells).

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Happy to see the 15% buff to starfall on live, as well as a recognition that starfall is a problem in the balance kit.

In general, I do think that there is a lot of bloat in the left side of the Balance tree. I think that they should consolidate some of these nodes and streamline the tree a bit more.

Adding this post from the Alpha feedback forums for some visibility. I recommend that my fellow boomies give it a read and a like if you agree.

Maybe we should start posting Feral feedback in the Hunter thread since we know they read that and Feral Druids are basically Hunter pets anyway, right? /s


lol, probably a good idea, but I’ll be patient a while, they seem to want to listen to feedback. Just focusing on hunter currently.

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On the Guardian tree, I really really really wish they’d swap the positions of Scintillating Moonlight/Twin Moonfire with Layered Mane/Reinforced Fur -OR- Pawsitive Outlook/Earthwarden with Tooth and Claw/Vulnerable Flesh. Preferably the former pairs, since it’d have all the moonfire related talents all connected with each other.

I just want to have all the thrash and moonfire talents at once with Rage of the Sleeper ;_;


You’d be forcing feral and guardian druids to pick moonkin form and its relevant talents to get cyclone if that was the case. And by doing that forcing them to pick abilities they would likely never use. I wouldn’t be in favour of that change.

Hibernate just needs to be in a better spot overall.


But what about Guardian druid who may opt not to take Remove Corruption and now you’ve forced that spec to spend an extra 3 more points to gain Hibernate by having to take Nurturing Instincts.

No, just no.

If we want to move Hibernate anywhere, it needs to be closer to the middle and it should be placed in a spot where the predecessor points are universally taken by most players across all specializations.

I must disagree, the organization of Guardian druid’s talents in their spec tree is really piss poor. You have talents that have synergy spread throughout the entire tree, i.e.:

  • Berserk’s 3 traits are all spread out
  • Mangle/Maul synergy traits all need to be grouped together
  • Galactic Guardian and all Moonfire & DoT buff traits need to be grouped together

Did anyone tried furor with Incarnation tree. To see if it work

Can we not, for the love of everything holy, have Sudden Ambush and Predatory Swiftness swapped? On the 5 and 7 rows of the Feral tree.
I’m having to throw 3 talent points into Sudden Ambush (which I probably would otherwise NOT take, and don’t get to use them anywhere else. At least if these were swapped, I could POSSIBLY use these 3 wasted points somewhere I’d actually WANT to use them.
I mean, I have like 10 other complaints, but this is one of the main ones…


Well this sh!tshow of druid talent trees sure keeps the forum alive …if nothing else ^^


I’ll second moving Sudden Ambush to somewhere less mandatory (if not removing it all together). Sudden Ambush introduces a reactive playstyle where I have to watch for when I get the buff and use it to upgrade Rake instead of wasting it on a Shred. Having played it during the first few weeks of SL it’s awkward to play with when you already have Bloodtalons (a talent you can’t take without Sudden Ambush) restricting how you use your builders and it can be a little muddy deciding when to spend the Sudden Ambush proc if your Rake isn’t in pandemic and you can’t wait for it to tick down due to energy capping. It’s not a playstyle I enjoy and its location on the tree makes it a mandatory pick for the vast majority of builds.


Do NOT remove Sudden Ambush. It is not complex, and not a big deal if you use on a Shred, especially if you already have a SA Rake snapshot up - you are still getting good value from the Shred and the extra CP’s it gives. I mean you could just pause 0.1 second after using a finisher if you’re planning to Shred next, but even then most of the time after you you Bite you don’t even have the energy to insta Shred.

What you are describing with BT is not only a non-issue, its in fact its the complete opposite: it makes proccing BT on AoE more valuable because you get a juicer Rake that’s equivalent to Swiping 7~ targets. You could even replace refreshing Thrash too early to proc BT with a SA Shred instead for the CP’s

Sudden Ambush feels really good to play and gives you frequent 60% Rake snapshots, which it sorely needed after losing BT snapshotting.

It is in fact, one of the more interesting passives in the tree and something to look forward to (assuming they cut it down to 2 points and tune it so its not 1/2/3 default values).

The issue is its 3 points, and they should be cutting both SA and Taste for Blood down to 2 points. The same issue exists (and is in fact even worse) when going right side - you gotta get Bite amp if you want Savage Roar for AOE or a DOT build. At least Sudden Ambush is more balanced in ST/AOE value (though leans more ST value) compared to TFB.

The other issue is Pred Swiftness should be in the top 1/3 of the tree and basically mandatory, because playing Feral without it would feel awful.

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Honestly I’m not super invested in getting it removed. I mostly just don’t want it to be mandatory. It its current spot, it is.

Fair. I’ve seen some horendous takes about SA (usually by people who never used it because it was only 4th best conduit as NF and therefore never used), so I feel obliged to defend it / correct misinformation as someone who used it as necro & kyrian.

Kind of annoying when people say ‘delete x’ to something they never played, especially something that’s underrated in how enjoyable it is for a passive proc.

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Most things with 3 points just don’t make sense, OR (more likely) they don’t care enough to create a tree that actually WORKS.

Unless it’s something I can’t live without, I don’t think any talent should be mandatory. I would absolutely put PS up in the top 3 rows.

BUT you know, we’ve seen 0 real change since the release and Hunters get a change every other day it feels like, so I’m not super excited about anything.

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I’m telling you man. It’s time to become Hunter pets. We’ll be treated a lot better then. How good are you at pretending that you have no autonomy?


That and 0 communication about anything that could be happening is a bit crazy. Priests have at least had a post saying they’re being heard, which is what druids need at the bare minimum.