I’m seeing a lot of blue posts in other class threads, hopefully someone comes and is able to share some insight on future Druid changes.
Resto getting the swarm jump back is a nice sign and pulls it out of the pvp niche it was getting dragged back into (especially locked behind germination). Lets us keep the current popular key build and take some improvments.
Still could use some more talents that interact with our damage rotation and shapeshifting in the spec tree itself. Adaptive swarm goes towards supporting a dot playstyle so leaning harder into that with some moon/sunfire related talents would be great.
Guys, one question… is it me or do I think we are losing more talent than the Holy Priest? (I know we can’t have the same amount as all healers but why do we lose so many talents due to increased cost of certain added talents/ranks?)
As I noted when using the Wowhead talent calculator we lose between 15/16 talents and the Hpriest loses only 9/10.
Be careful when I refer to losing is that we cannot choose more talents and they are grayed out.
PS: I even noticed that ranks have been removed from certain talents (from 3 to 1 for example) and the Rdruids increased us, that’s very wtf (considering that we have more rotation than them or that’s what I’ve noticed since I play my alt Hpriest from BFA to SL xd)
yeah it feels a bit more expensive with this new tree…i don’t like some of the resto side costs…like remember when we discussed ysera’s…yeah…not good
If you can actually GET to both Vortex and Typhoon AND get the other talents you need as Guardian or Feral, I will give you a gold medal.
It’s not possible.
I agree, it’s like the Spirit of redemption talent that previously had rank 2 (but they lowered it to 1), I know it’s an important talent. But just like where Ysera (a basic Druid talent) they increased it to rank 3 (from 2) and it’s not that big of a deal, it’s more dare I say it hinders rather than improves Rdruid’s rotation.
So am I seeing this right that bloodtalons is going to be on the pvp side of the talent tree for feral? Am I dreaming?
If you think the PVP side is the one which has Primal Wrath, then no you aren’t seeing right my friend.
There is no ‘PVP’ side. Everything on that side can be used in all forms of content.
There is no such thing as a pvp side of the tree.
As someone who prefers PVP (primarily Arena) as feral, I’m not too psyched at having to pick both Primal Wrath, and put 3 points in Sudden Ambush(a conduit that was never used), to be able to get Predatory Swiftness.
It also feels weird having to put a talent point into Swipe when I’m just going to be replacing it with Brutal Slash anyway - because no feral in their right mind is going to skip out on Skull Bash and Survival Instincts in the Arena which are each being blocked by Swipe/Slash.
I guess PvE lends itself to more customization options but if you’re serious about progressing in arena then it feels a lot more limited since there are clear and necessary tools required to do so. Maybe you have plenty of other classes to cover a kick/stun or death-save in a 5 man dungeon or raid but that’s not the case in small-scale PvP.
I feel more pruned than anything from a CC perspective also since having to choose between Bash and Incap Roar, effectively losing hibernate, and needing to put ~6 points into resto abilities to get Cyclone(another necessary arena talent which was given back to us after being taken away in legion i think?) . Meanwhile all rogues can now get both gouge and garrote silence on top of their existing cc kit.
Feral spends the same 3 wasted points that boomkin does to get to the other side of the tree. Boomkin spends thrash, swipe, and ironfur to get to thick hide, ursoc’s endurance, incap roar, and WHI, which are mandatory in any content where you’re not using HOTW to offheal (so this will be the default). We know that moonkin will never use thrash, swipe, or ironfur, so they are just three useless talents. Feral (and guardian) has to spend three points on starfire, starsurge, and moonkin form, and then you’re into the happy cat land of increased melee range, typhoon if you want it, sunfire, vortex, and then innervate. I’ve already made the feral raid build and it easily acquires innervate. One could even argue that starfire, starsurge, moonkin form, and sunfire aren’t even wasted points 100% of the time, as they might see some amount of play on an encounter where you aren’t able to have 100% melee uptime.
It’s like the devs think people shift around alot to use other form abilities. It’s a gimmick at best.
Not a big fan of the change in Resto tree but it was to be expected they were too good.
Wonder why Life and dead use 2 point in all spec except of feral who only need 1 tough
That is something that leaves me in doubt… anyway, from what I saw in Rshammy and Hpriest’s talent tree it seems that… Rdruid will be more of a healer again (that is, getting too much raw healing) it seems that in M+ we will be somewhat weak in terms of dps… (unless I expect Blizzard to do it, increase it or make 75% of the fights against trash and bosses have to have a lot of constant healing)
Would be nice to have a talent that turn a % of our overhealing into Dmg. Sommthing called (Healing thorn) or something. Or evn transform Life and death to do that
The new feral tree feels worse than the first one. We are not able to pick up all of the abilities that we have today. The top of the tree is way to point heavy with not alot of choices.
Separating Predatory Swiftness and survival instincts on opposite sides of the tree does not make any sense. Being forced to spec into sudden ambush and primal wrath to just get to predatory swiftness… I mean really Blizz. The same thing can be said for Feral Frenzy and Draught.
The druid tree doesn’t feel good either. Alot of wasted points to pick up things like cyclone.
These trees were suppose to be about choices. The only choice I see is playing a weaker, pruned down version of feral in Dragonflight
We have Nature’s vigil, which is not so good because now it only deals damage or heals to a single target [While Hpriest and Rshammy give them aoe damage spells, great balance = ) ] also the desperate way of blizzard is somewhat annoying to keep making the Rdruid a periodic healer (which isn’t bad) with a periodic damage kit (which isn’t good since it lags far behind a lot of healers) not to mention the reliance on those damn animal forms! (My apologies if I get angry).
True. The build i cant wait to try is the one that keep Cenarion ward none stop on the tank ^^ (With Verdant Infusion)
There still needs to be some synergy between the General Tree and the Spec Tree. For example there is an empowering Stampeding Roar talent that someone can take in the Guardian Tree but could be wasted if they didn’t actually take Stampeding Roar at the bottom of the General Tree.
Also forcing multiple talent points in the General Tree that focus on abilities that cannot be used in Bear Form (Balance Flavored) in order to pick up Typhoon and Hibernate is too wasteful of a talent point allocation. The same can be said for Resto or Balance having to go through talent points associated to Bear and Feral in order to pick up Skull Bash.
Locking Primal Wrath behind a bunch of horrible pvp and never used pvp style conduits is bad enough.
But the cherry on top is that all the talents that would allow you to have the energy to have any decent sustained AoE is on the right…locked behind Brutal Swipe.
And i cant pick up Survival Instincts either…And i thought current feral was bad for M+ content being propped up by a 4pc. Glad beserk is being split into 4 pieces.