New talent trees

A top issue that balance druids have is that our only AoE spender can only be cast once at a time, thus we are capped in our AoE damage by a lot and end up either overcapping AP by spamming starfire or end up casting starsurge in AoE, which neither of those feel good.

I’m not sure a solution, but I imagine many have been posted already. Whatever it is, I would hope that this would be changed in some way. Such as making starfall stackable.

Starfall has to be hasted, stackable, or carry the damage of the previous cast. That’s one way to solve it, also Stellar drift out of CD, make it cost more, or an extra button idk, but don’t include the cd on Starfall ffs. They’ve been having a mental collapse since legion when it comes to Balance druid playstyle.

Regarding some of these talents in the tree that our quite obviously for pvp players, why not make a seperate pvp tree that only enables with pvp? Or add pvp points for the talent tree to spend?

This has probably already been brought up, but I really dislike the current placement of Brutal Slash. I very rarely talent into Brutal Slash in game, I just don’t like the charge system. But on the new treeses, I am forced to take
it if I want access to four other talents (Survival Instincts, Beserk mod, Cat Eye Curio, and Apex/Draught) as there is no other connecting point between them.

I don’t understand why I should be forced to change the function completely of a talent in order to take four others. That should never be a choice. It’s not like the other talents only interact with Brutal Slash, it has zero bearing on them at all.

Someone just needs to take a good long look and move stuff like that around so people aren’t forced to take abilities they don’t want and have never had to take before.

Also, pretty sure though I haven’t checked, that it’s possible to take Brutal Slash (which replaces Swipe) without ever having actually taken Swipe.


While technically true, I think this falls under the category of “people can make bad builds if they want to”.

I agree the rest of your sentiment that the Feral tree itself lacks cohesion or any sense of identity.


Ok finally getting around to this, to reiterate the sentiment shared in various specs discords, the wowhead resto druid article, and so forth, Adaptive Swarm needs the legendary component as an option. This is where the spell really became unique and fun, it’s one of the most engaging abilities in the game that changes gameplay and offers creative decision making. Plus great synergy with so many aspects of Druids kit and a great hybrid aspect.

But I do think a PVP/ST version is also important.

Either through A:

  • Making the splitting component an extension node like what seems to be suggested in the Feral tree. But for all specs. Ideally only 1 additional point, not 2 like the Feral one though that feels excessive.

Or through B:

  • Alternative would be making Swarm a choice node in itself with two forms of it, one option catered for ST/PVP, and then the Swarm with its legendary effect for M+ and some raid/pvp scenarios. But the extension node from A is easiest

Splitting Feedback :honeybee: :beetle: :lady_beetle:

Swarm with splitting should probably have a 70% split rate; I think 60% can still cause various pain points related to ramping up and rebuilding a colony, particularly when running Circle. What I mean by this specifically:

  • Losing colony from party wiping.
  • Losing colony from Druid dying and running back (due to LOS/range).
  • Losing big stacks on single target (merging into boss) or to other factors (occasional LOS issues etc).
    • The boss thing isn’t that huge of a problem IMO as there’s fun tech to mitigate it but more the idea that a higher split off-sets it a little bit.
  • 60% sort of forces you to work a little too hard to build/maintain the colony.

For all the good, these are the main frustrations. Therefore, I think a slightly higher value would really smooth things out for players not only in terms of QOL but also make it a little bit easier without the need to focus quite as much on attending to your bees. You could even go to 75 but I think 70 is a fair adjustment.

Please note this is not a ‘plz buff Swarm’ thing, you can adjust it in other ways to balance it out (lower amplification, e.g. preview tooltip noted 20% down from 38% on live), it is for QOL and making it easier on players.

What about the Honey Bears? :bear: :honey_pot:

I think it’s a shame Guardian won’t have access to beekeeping given all the synergies their new tree offers (Moonfire, Regrowth etc talents). Necrobear is a lot of fun and I would love to see it slotted in somewhere, making Guardian’s tree even better. It seems to have a positive sentiment in their community and being discussed more and more.

Base Swarm :butterfly:

I would recommend keeping Circle close to Swarm so both are easily accessed. While base Swarm has some janky and precise timings that require a weakaura and lots of holding, Circle smooths it out so much and it feels better to play due to improved timings where there’s not so much holding.

It’s very obvious how to play it with Circle. If it’s 3 stacks or more, you wait for it to expire on your target, and then cast it. If it’s 1 or 2 stacks on the enemy, you refresh it, ideally late, and the CD consistently lines up about mid way through your Swarm which is perfect for that – player knows anytime in the next x amount of seconds is good, however with base duration, you occasionally wait for ages to refresh late – too long watching the Swarm timer.

Tracking the cooldown of an ability & then having to hold it to use at a specific timing, for example 10 seconds later, is much more complex than simply just tracking the CD and then the player knowing through that the right timing is coming up based on the CD. It’s easy to get distracted by a mechanic and miss your timing (meaning you held for nothing, adding extra punishment).

Circle already leads into Swarm on the Balance tree, and is nearby for Resto where you’d probably take both given the synergy – but for Feral, it’s a little bit further, though still very accessible and synergistic, but this could see some adjustment. I think taking Circle with it further justifies the slightly more generous split rate suggested.

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I was really really hoping to see treants become a class talent vs a balance only one.


From someone who’s never played druid but is curious about resto pvp.

Base Swarm has janky timings because Swarm itself is a janky ability with it’s bouncing back and forth and you have to play around that. Min/maxing the uptime of Swarm is an important sub-rotation to increase DPS. Even with Circle you’d still want a Weak Aura and use precise timings to maximize Swarm’s uptime. Sure with Circle you have to press the button more often, but Swarm is an ability that rewards intelligent use so letting it sit on cooldown for a few seconds so it lines up better is fine.

Running Circle is a dps loss for Swarm because it reduces uptime of the damage amp effect of the dot, but is compensated by the damage boost to the other dots Feral has. In the past I provided feedback asking for Swarm to be exempt from Circle because of how counter-intuitive the effect is with Swarm. It’s negative synergy. You have a really strong effect where you can’t get 100% uptime on it no matter what you do, and then you have an effect that reduces the uptime on it. For me, having Circle equipped on a single target fight makes Swarm feel much worse from both a gameplay and numbers point of view.

All of this is made mostly irrelevant by having the Swarm legendary effect anyway. It’d also be made irrelevant if Swarm gets redesigned in one of many ways already expressed in this thread or others.

You still do exactly this with Circle. How it plays is very similar, and the reduced duration isn’t anywhere near -25% uptime nerf because with base Swarm there’s so much holding of the ability.

You could, but I’d say Circle hard nerfs the weakaura as it’s easier to play for reasons outlined in my previous post. You don’t have all these huge gaps of holding the ability and watching your Swarm timer, its much more consistent in how its used and the CD lines up closer to the ‘ideal’ times to refresh.

You literally do this with Circle as well. Except instead of holding upwards of a full Swarm duration, the timings are a little shorter meaning less time having to watch your Swarm timer.

It’s still a DPS gain to take Circle with Swarm, and if players are talenting into Swarm, they will be wanting to talent into Circle.

Again it’s basically 25% shorter duration vs holding the ability much more and having higher variance in cast timing. The uptime isn’t -25% because again, you’re not holding so long with Circle.

Personally I’d prefer the shorter duration and more consistent timings than holding the ability so much and watching Swarm timers for so long.

I’m purely talking about usability of Swarm. Circle only reduces uptime marginally yet the timings are smoother and simpler for players. But beyond this, it plays exactly the same, you still refresh late and still do a bit of ping pong, but it’s much more straightforward for the player to understand.

Again I’d disagree because it improves timings, but beyond this, has really nice synergy with the legendary effect whereby the DoT of it becomes very satisfying, among other reasons. You are right in there’s some negative synergy for sure, but what I’m saying is its not a bad thing gameplay wise. It’s also less significant because with Shadowlands so much of our power is tied to Covenant + Legendary. Now, these are just talents among many others.

You’re latching on to your perception of playing Circle in Shadowlands in the first patches (when Necro was awful at anything beyond 1 target) and because you couldn’t change covenant, Necro players still had to use Circle in M+ etc whereby this shorter duration did feel like a kick in the guts because Swarm was already so bad in AOE, it was like a slight nerf to your covenant ability in AOE, when your covenant was already bad at AOE.

Yes it does, as you know Circle primarily hurts any cleave component with base Swarm, but now the legendary effect exists, and now it appears to be in the Feral tree. This makes Circles primary pain point with base swarm (multi-target) irrelevant. You would take the split talent with 2+ targets if running Swarm. Circle on single target plays the same albeit smoother and with better timings.

If anything you’ve further highlighted the need for the Resto/Balance trees to have the split effect, because it does have a notable negative effect on 2+ target. I made this post after talking about Swarm the last few days with two of my Resto friends who are concerned they don’t have the split effect in their tree. People who enjoy the ability and want to see it return.

I’m making suggestions for a few minor adjustments in tree (positioning in Feral tree, and split version for other trees) and split value from those who are excited to see it return, + noting how Circle can improve QOL for base, not asking for it to be reworked.

The reality is people will be wanting to be taking Swarm+Circle together, and because of this, the split rate should be slightly higher so its a little bit easier for players. That’s the main point of my post. You seem to think I’m suggesting they destroy the base version by either keeping Circle nearby or connecting it, but it doesn’t do that at all, -25% duration doesn’t fundamentally change the ability.

Surely you can agree that it does improve QOL of base swarm and that the timings are better (similar but slightly easier) on single target. For more targets, the legendary effect exists now.

Everyone who worked on the Assass tree should also be assigned to the Feral tree.



Please open up Treants to the other Druid specs.

We have Ion saying in interviews that they don’t want people to have to play a certain spec to get class utility, but arguably Druid’s strongest M+ utility has been locked to Balance spec for years (and still is here).


Or put in charge of them all. The person doing survival’s tree phoned in it with a ton of cut and paste % damage filler talents and the person building rogue’s trees acted like it was their PhD dissertation.


I have noticed that in the tree of the other classes… it feels better or more powerful than the druid. Like for example that of the priest in this case that of the Hpriest/Disc priest since now I think he can get dots more easily along with a great offensive kit (while we mostly have the same and on top of that with fill talents/stats/improvement of damage and base healing) and in the case of the rogue it feels much better since it now has more utility (in the case of the outlaw). It seems that once again they are going to make our tree (I hope it changes) inferior to others and I will assume that it is for the same as always… (we are a hybrid class and therefore we should not stand out much) I hope with faith that this change a bit (otherwise my poor druid might not even be the 2-3rd healer in M+ or 2-3-4-5th in dps)

Is it my idea… or did the Hpriest receive talents to do dps as a healer? (I mean the holy priest spec tree).
If so… then I guess we’ll also have some talent (change some of the useless ones we have) for one to do dps… right?
And if that’s not the case, do you think Rdruids will be far behind if they give all the other healers missing dps talents in their healer tree?

Yah they got a whole mini end section around holyfire

I really want something similar to it for resto about moonfire. Were the only druid spec with nothing related to it in our talents and its one of our staple spells.

Exactly, surely if I mention it in the general talent tree forum (or Hpriest) there will be people who justify it with “They haven’t been a meta for a long time” or “It’s part of their spec”. But it’s not really like that… especially the part that is part of the spec because unless they are Disc priest I don’t see the point of that offensive talent. I hope they also add something similar for Moonfire or I know a talent that allows us to do dps or at least reduce the CD of heart of the wild

Moonfire just feels right and it’d play into the hot/dot playstyle of resto more. I Made the suggestion in another post talking about the differences between the 2 trees but i might as well do it here to spread the ideas.

  • Start node. Elunes guidance: moonfire hits an additional target for every nearby friendly rejuv.

Splits off into

  • Faeries fire: moonfire attracts lunar moths that follow the target slowing them by 10% and increasing their chance to miss by 5%
  • Harsh moonlight: for the next 10 seconds all Hot healing is stored and applied as damage to your next moonfire.
  • Earthmother’s eyes: wildgrowth causes your next moonfire to also cast improved sunfire on the target

This set gives resto an alternative sunfire now that its no longer baseline, a damage cooldown for priority mobs, faerie fire for nostalgia and a minor DR and just a decent passive aoe option through moonfire spread.

Other small things like a leech seed type spell or shapeshifting bonuses would also be great spread throughout the tree for when gear gets high enough that thorough-put talents aren’t needed.

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All those ideas look incredible, if I had to rate it I would give it a 15 from 1 to 10, very good job ^^
Even if it only changed to give it a little more nostalgia in the talent you propose for “Faeries fire” instead of reducing the movement speed… how about increasing the damage received from the enemy by I don’t know 5-10%? or maybe…increase the damage taken from the druid itself by 10-15% (so it won’t be as broken and at least supports the druid with its periodic damage)