Yes, played with real trees. SL SL was a successful spec that warlocks used. Deep into 2 spec trees. Demo/aff. Simpler times when you didn’t have hard liner “arcane mages”.
Hell, the best “frost” build in early classic is arcane.
Yes, played with real trees. SL SL was a successful spec that warlocks used. Deep into 2 spec trees. Demo/aff. Simpler times when you didn’t have hard liner “arcane mages”.
Hell, the best “frost” build in early classic is arcane.
what on earth are you people talking about?
nobody loses anything. Yes, you gain your abilities by picking talents in the tree as you level. How is that in any way different than now except for the tree. As you level, you get the abilities.
We simply don’t know enough to be able to say one way or the other.
Then perhaps don’t jump to conclusions?
I think arcane mages just got offended.
Yes I do. You don’t have to explain anything. I 100% know how it will work, but still I don’t like it and I criticize it.
I know I can earn my baseline abilities back with my character that is already level 60 then when we go into the expansion. But I don’t want to do that, I find it boring. I want them to keep the baseline abilities and instead offer new abilities or old abilities from Borrowed Power we had - or talents that alter and enhance existing abilities.
I wanted a talent tree to enhance the baseline experience we have, not replace it.
I don’t see the point in a new and shiny talent system if it brings little new but just uses everything we already had anyway.
Is it actually confirmed that we’re losing these?
Or did you just look at the screenshot of the talent systems and think “yes, it makes perfect sense for a Bear Druid to not have access to Ironfur or Thrash as part of their core kit”?
You can really tell the people who played pre-MoP and those that didn’t. If you’re curious how it works fire up ol Classic. They’re not taking anything away, but if works like the days of old you’ll choose from power options or utility. Does a shadow priest need silence in a raid setting? 99% of the time no so you can shift that talent elsewhere. I personally prefer the new system, but if we can make defaults and swap easy it could be better.
Arcane mages offend me. “Muh spec needs buffs, I don’t want to be the other 2 op specs QQ”
Ret is never good and it’s the only pally dps.
What has this to do with talents ,that is a you thing. Do you wish the same to ret pallies play tank? Dawn a shield and you’ll be the laughing stock of wow.
what lol
please tell me when during all the interviews did Bliz suddenly announce they are taking away abilities.
here’s a clue…they didn’t.
Tank paladins with ret abilities, please. What does offending arcane mages have to do with anything? They aren’t real people anyway.
The quotes are in the starting posts. They literally said that. We have to get our current abilities back through investing talent points and a lot of baseline abilities won’t be automatically there while leveling up a character from 1 but will be transfered to the talent tree.
Says the ret behind a screen.
The talent tree IS your baseline kit…
I don’t know why you’d frame this as “removing abilities” when literally every character is going to be spending points in their talent trees anyway.
People have been saying they want this system back for years now, well guess what…they have to put something worth taking in these trees. Otherwise it would just be the same “+X% to Y ability” garbage that was there before in the old ones.
oh, you mean just like it is right now? you gain abilities as you level
seriously, did you ever actually level a character, or do you just use paid boosts or something?
I’ve never played ret. It sucks.
The monkey’s paw curls.
You may not have played a pally ,warrior.
There’s really no need to be so antagonistic, just because different people have different opinions on things, it doesn’t mean you have to go on the attack.