New Talent System, Too Many Nodes

Your definition of play is much more different than mine definition and my definition will be much more different then others definition of the word play.

I like the new talent trees a lot, after having this boring baby-proof talent tree for so long, and the ability to save/share load-outs is nice.

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Yeah nah dude, this isn’t BFA all over again.

During BFA the complaints were coming in constantly about Azerite Armor, not because there were too many choices, but because the system sucked. It wasn’t fun to use. It represented another form of borrowed power, and it was just honestly annoying to have to grind levels on the Heart of Azeroth to have your gear be remotely useable, especially early on.

People aren’t complaining about the new talent system en-masse because there’s nothing actually wrong with it.

When you got an azerite upgrade (say a Heroic piece, when you were already wearing Normal) you couldn’t even wear it because the Heroic piece needed you to get your neck to a higher level. :roll_eyes:

And remember how azerite gear wasn’t even tradeable, at launch? sigh

Yep, exactly, you’d get a heroic or raid piece and all it gave you was base stats because unless you were 100% on top of your Azerite Power grind, you wouldn’t have the level to even unlock the first trait, much less all the traits.

It was a horrible system, which is why so many people complained about it.

Pretty much. Anyone who comes into high M+ and heroic raiding with “fun talents” then has poor DPS will be trolling and can potentially be reported for doing so, not because choosing fun talents is bad, but because bosses have enrage and M+ has a timer and “fun talents” is counter productive to it.

On the other hand, people don’t generally look at peoples’ talents unless there’s an issue.

If somebody’s performing well, nobody will even look at their talents. If they’re performing a third as well as they should be, well
 people are going to wonder about the cause of that, yeah.

yeah thats what I mean, you either pick BIS talent tree and you perform good, or you get called out for low performance.

You don’t think it’s more cumbersome than what we have now? Lol c’mon people will literally argue with anything.

My point is the end result will bring us to what we have now in terms of abilities we push, but we have to select more nodes and make more difficult choices to get there.

They could have changed nothing about the layout, but modified the rows a bit and added 1 or 2 rows for the new things, and the result would have been basically the same except cleaner.

It’s needlessly spiderwebbed to give the illusion of player personality.

People will sim out the best spec choices.
Blizzard will balance the game difficulty around these optimal route choices. Because they have too obviously.

Everything else will be subpar if you don’t follow the optimal setups for each required situation.

Every now and then someone will figure out a setup the theory crafters missed and break the class. These broken setups will become FOTM for a bit till it gets nerfed / fixed probably too slow by blizzard.

Rinse / repeat.

It’s not all that complex once you mess with them. There are not many choices till the bottom.

Unless if I have to PvP or spend 1 month doing WQ’s to unlock a BiS trait, then no, it’s nothing like BfA.

Something tells me you’ll do it anyways.

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Have you ever seen path of exiles tree?

One of the longest running, most successful games to date.

Another example of this dysfunctional player base.

“Waaaah we want more talent choices and customization!”

“Waaaah you gave us too many talent choices/combinations!”

Next will be in about 6 months after DF launch where players will be complaining about DF needing more systems, “we miss the AP grind!”



How is it in any way “cumbersome?” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That’s how I feel about what you’ve said.

THere never has been button bloat .

That has always been a player created problem . Just because a player has access to active abilities doesn’t mean they have to put all of them on their action bars .

Pick and choose which ones you want to use even if you have to select one you might never use because it leads to a passive or 2 that you do . Just don’t key bind it then .

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Good news you will be picking more passives over actives with the DF trees.

Are you that thick button bloat does exist and it did happen to warlock and the game developer acknowledge button bloat and so they got rid of it and placed more passive on the tree and less on active.