New Talent System, Too Many Nodes

people who want horrible stuff are usually the loudest.

Come artifact weapons in Legion.

Azerite armor in BFA.

Covenants in Shadowlands

Talent trees in Dragonflight.

Foot note: walking simulator anti-flight people.

Damn you sure know what I liked and asked for in past expansions do you now

Don’t worry, you’ll have a default tree Blizz will make you so you won’t have to think

If they tune everything right than there might be a chance of real choice.

Plus, tuning is happening in the coming weeks.

with Blizzard’s track record of balancing, people will complain how everything sucks when it actually arrives.

Your argument is that you want to click less so they should remove options that make you click. In a video game.

Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

You want less clicks. You like 6 clicks and you don’t want to do more clicks using google. It’s being “inflicted” on you.

Your solution to get what you want is to remove the options or keep what we have.

I disagree with you. Good day sir. Byeeeeee.

I like have options. Even ones that aren’t optimal.

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Interesting choices.

yes, delete the talent system. That’s even better.

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Good luck with your cause and opinion on that. I disagree with you.

Back then they didn’t had the time to tune thing but now minus all the external systems they might finally have the chance too tune things right.

As I said tuning is starting in the coming weeks and maybe throughout the expansion.

Even within the current one: choices just cause problems. Equipping the wrong legendary, using the wrong talents as per content. The need to switch back and forth is not fun.

Legendary is being deactivated in Dragonflight.

Now this is a troll~ no way a newly created toon is having this argument honestly ^^

I said bye. I acknowledge your opinion and disagree with it.

You don’t seem to run content on your current character so why post on it?

I don’t? Interesting let me go tell my past self I didn’t.

5/10 M, so you don’t raid.
Only one 20 timed, so you don’t really do m+. No keys higher than 20.
Season 3 seems to be alt status.

Noted, must clear CE and get 30s every season to be considered a player.

Otherwise not allowed to enjoy talent trees.

See just had to set the conditions~


Oh god, don’t remind me…

I don’t need all of that to be considered a player I have Loremaster since I am a story type of player.

Oh, the group of people who doesn’t actually play. Loudest, and unwelcome.