New Talent System, Too Many Nodes

Or you would get a higher ilvl piece and it would not have the traits you needed.

No it doesn’t like I said it is a player created problem .

You don’t have to put every single active ability on your action bar . Just put the ones you know you will use and key bind them the rest can stay off of it .

If you choose to key bind them all , then that’s a you problem .

Live in your little denialism land when it does exist and it’s up to the game developer to stop or to prevent it from happening from the first place but when players report to the game developer that there is button bloat and them too discovering button bloat than yeah they need to stop it in its tracks.

I DO wish there was far less linking required in the new trees. Just let us pick the abilities/talents we want without forcing us to take a required path down the tree to get to it. Though the tweaks they’ve done to the new trees have already shown significant improvements in the pathing at least (no more forcing players to dump points in frankly lackluster talents to get to key and/or interesting abilities) . Still the new system is a vast improvement on the mind numbingly boring talent system we’re thankfully leaving behind.

I get it. WoW and the community has done an amazing job of creating an environment of chasing the meta. Or rather the fear of playing something that isnt meta. Having the situation where picking the wrong covenant, knee capped your damage output by a ton. Or liking the playstyle of some azerite traits, but they are sub optimal. Using the wrong legendary. Or in legion not getting your BiS legendary to drop and being hindered.

We have had a talent system, where by and large there were so few picks and they were not balanced. Making there usually being one right choice. In the current talent system there have been specs that they have had really 1 viable talent in a row for a couple expansions.

These new talent trees will be successful purely based around tuning. Which has been a challenge for the team. As long as they can make different abilities and builds have similar or close power levels, and really let players experiment, I think it will be a win.

Yes there will be the builds where you go to wow-head or icy-veins, and pick M+ and copy paste the talents for that, or Raiding and copy paste the talents for that. I hope that even though there will be a meta talent path for each spec, that veering off the meta, wont completely tank the spec.

There is a lot there. And I have been playing around the talent trees for a few of my chars. You do have to choose between things. And wow has instilled that feeling bad, because you are afraid to make the wrong choice. The dev team just has to make it where there isnt a completely wrong choice.

“Lackluster” (for now) when tuning is done people will eat their own words. But, for now tuning hasn’t started and it’s starting this coming week.

Choose one option per row vs follow a web and select nodes to unlock a web with some things you don’t care about along the way to get to things you might care about. And some things you want you don’t have enough points for. I mean how is that not a cumbersome difference?

I’m not saying it’s super complicated. It’s just more complicated than we have and than what’s necessary to get the same result.

Once again it is not a problem .

I put the ones I will use and I actually like having quite a few buttons to use and I selected the ones in Beta I will most likely use now there may be a couple I won’t because I used them to get to passives but guess what those ones I won’t key bind .

I use a 24 button key pad that covers attack abilities , cool downs , pet healing , personal healing ( lock rocks and exhileration ) as well targeting and discord p2t . It also has a thumbstick so I move forward and back as well as straif left or right as well as get my flying mounts of the ground .

Oh and let’s add in the 2 extra buttons on my mouse the call up my mount with one and the other is for that extra action button that pops up .

So no there isn’t button bloat because I choose what I need on a regular basis and anything that I will only use in a :large_blue_circle: :first_quarter_moon_with_face: can be mouse clicked .

As I said before and will continue to say .
"Button bloat is a player created problem . You don’t have to key bind every active ability . That is your choice so you created your own problem "

“Button bloat is created by players” uh huh yeah right. When the talent tree forces you into those points and so the game developer acknowledges that and went back and iterate on the talent trees and gotten rid of the button bloat by placing more passives than say active ability and if it’s an active ability they are replacing damage spells to utility spell.

Like I said there may be ones you may have to select to get o passives you want .

Doesn’t mean you have to key bind them . If you do then that is your choice because you wanted to use them but if you don’t then no problem leave them off.

You keep saying it is a Blizz problem because you can’t control yourself from putting buttons on the action bar/s that you don’t need .

I guess it is easier to blame others then to take accountability for ones self.

How is it accountability when the talent tree forces people into taking those points to get to the next point and also I love how you keep denying that button bloat doesn’t exist when in reality it does.

And tell by your attitude you don’t seem to care about button bloat and don’t seem to care if they do exist or not. You want to defend the mentality of leave button bloat alone and just don’t put it on your ui and stuff. Which is an ridiculous excuse. When there is button bloat it’s the job of the game developer to get rid of it.

But of course all hardcore players would lean more on the denialism side of things. And also don’t care about button bloat.

Just because you take an active ability to get to the next one be it passive or active doesn’t mean you have to key bind it .

What part of you don’t have to do you not get ? Having to pick it because it leads to another ability you need is not really a choice which I will agree with but whether or not you have to keybind it is a choice .

JUst because you have options doesn’t mean you have to use them all . Just pick the ones that will work best for you.

THey don’t because you don’t have to use every active ability you get just the ones you need .
It isn’t button bloat until you keybind the ability until then it is something that can sit in your trees and collect dust.

Bro im sorry but they are REALLY not complicated at all… Azerite traits were bad because you had them stucked on gear which you had to farm under rng elements, sometimes downgrading even just to be able to use the trait that you wanted, even then, they were not complicated either … You sound like the basic wow doomer at this point, i really Hope you dont stay around much so we can cleanse the community a bit.

Thats not cumbersome. Thats engagement with leveling and actually earning something to unlock new things for later. The way a talent system shouod be.

No talent tree has things in it I don’t care about. This isn’t the old system. Do you even know what you’re talking about? Have you even used them yet?

No, its more engaging than what we have.

I’m convinced the people who think this is bad haven’t even tested them.

being not as bad is not a great thing, not so much rat is really not an improvement.

most skills for a spec should be baked in and talents can amplify or shade performance.

no one was actually a spec with the original trees, we just weighted our toon across 2 or 3 trees.

People will look at your talents if you are performing well. In some cases, if you have people playing the same class as you but a different spec and seeing you’re topping the meters they will target you, inspect you, and try to swap over to the spec you’re playing if it gives you the edge lol.

I love when people do stuff like this as if anything could possibly happen to make them think they actually “lost”.

We all know you will make sure to find “proof” that you are “right” no matter what happens. What a game design genius you are. Truly enlightened.

Its really not bad once you dive into it. I bet 85% the players will goto wowhead and copy pasta build strings into their game anyways

Or MoP-SL babies

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If we didn’t currently have a very simple system, I would not call the new thing cumbersome.

I said it was more cumbersome than what we have.

You can call it engaging, and I’m glad you like it.

I see it as unnecessary, when just keeping the same thing we have now, but adding and changing some abilities would get the same result in a more streamlined way.

But I don’t have an opinion on bad vs good of the new system. I just feel like they went from simple to more complex in order to give the illusion of engagement when really it will come down to a few simple choices that you go after to make your build. But it will feel like you’re making all these minor choices along the way. End result, nothing major has changed.

Yes I have played around with it. I can make my character feel almost like what it feels like now with a replacement of one thing for my covenant ability and one thing for my movement ability. Same exact feel as currently but 2 of my buttons are just changed from a blue thing to a new thing. (One is an old thing that I can use that I previously didn’t)

You’re telling me they had to do a whole rework in order to provide 2 new things that are just replacements of things I currently have?

Like I said. More cumbersome for not a big engaging payoff.

However, only reason I keep replying is because you don’t see it as more complicated than our current system. Which, for good or bad, it 100% is.

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