New Talent System, Too Many Nodes

Thing is you are talking as some one that started playing when abilities were removed and given back via the borrowed power systems (Artifact Weapon /Netherlight Crucible, Azerite Gear/ Essences and SOul Binds /Conduits) along with the regular talents from leveling.

DF give us back all of the passives we lost to those systems as well as some of the expansion specific abilities that most lost when those expansion ended .

TO be honest DF talent trees are just an updated version of this

I know they are not the same class but the top is the Wrath talent tree the next is the DF tree.

What you are used to didn’t start until MoP the 5th expansion .

The top type of talents went from Vanilla to Cata .

The good talents tree will allow for some “customization” even on cookie cutter builds, especially on the class side of the tree. Even on the spec one you are going to be changing depending on what boss you are doing, what dungeon/affixes, arena vs bg.

I dont believe 1 build is going to be the best for every scenarios, is going to better than legion,bfa and shadowlands when you we are not stuck playing 1 way, because you dont have the correct legendary, azerite armor or covenant.

It depends on you play. Fury warrior basically divides the tree between smf and titans grip.

Demonhunter basically decides between momentum build vs aoe build.

The amount of choices is what excites me. I LOVE this. Hoping it doesn’t change.

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Which demonstrates Blizzards horrible approach to applying these talent trees.

I dont mind the change for more complex builds but I really doubt Blizz has the ability to get it right. I’d wager this system still needs another year of dev time to really get it right.

But Blizz has got to launch this year I guess.

Dragonflight talent tree might look intimidating but when I use it on beta it’s not that bad. Also, they still are refining it making stuff flow better throughout the expansion.

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I preffered the recent talent builds.

In DF so much and a bunch of things like defensive cds are on the spec tree for things like shadow priests.

DF is going to have a bunch of talent swapping I wager.

And builds based on dungeons for mythic plus.

I have done generic build testing in DF beta. Builds and niche spells will only be taken if they even make an important impact.

For example. I have to talent into hex for shaman. Yet my hex variants are free… meaning its pointless for me to get hex.

Purge is a nice ability to have but useless If I cany dispel anything most of the time.

Stuns generally work against most adds making it the most useful cap totem to take for mythic plus.

Shadowpriests have to spend points for there defensives… choosing between damage and damage mitigation is bad for a damage class.

At some point I think they need to just make a pve talent tree that is completly separate from pve so they can balance both better. Pvp is just hurting pve design.
And vice versa.

Too muche niche spells are put on talent trees instead of being baseline utility.

The new talent tree is trying to prevent button bloat.

Your going to be swapping builds for each dungeon raid anyway. I think its just going to encourage constant ui swapping of buttons.

Only swapping to niche utility when you really need it.

I think the more complex talent tree is really the right way to go for the game in the long run. It’ll be really fun in the future but it’s going to take Blizz the entire xpac to figure out how to make it really work.

Next xpac it probably going to be really nice.

Complex doesn’t make a game more fun but it will create barrier to entry.

The way I see it. People are just going to pick the best tuned talent points and avoid weak talents.

And swap builds regurlarly for like raid fights.

If a fight is a single target fight. You are going to swap to a single target build. And swao abilities around.

You don’t need the poison cleanse totem on shaman exceot for one fight? Your going to swap and put it on your bars that fight or dungeon where poisons are common only.

This was a snoozefest. I hated when they dumbed things down that much. So, so much hate.

I thought you can’t swap talents in any instance content.

They are building a hand holding system for those who don’t want to mess with the tree on a daily or weekly basis.

In a mythic keystone you can do it before it starts.

In a raid yes you will probably going to want to swap each fight.

Cool, so they are integrating icyveins/whoever else is FotM for pre-built specs.

I still hate the dumbing down thing they did way back in the day, and have hated it ever since.

I doubt they will let you swap inside a raid.

This game needs accessibility otherwise it would’ve been dead long ago.

And there is plenty of it to be accessible to people, is there not?