People wanted talent trees… Blizzard is delivering 100 year old oaks.
They are called nodes? I just called them talents. Oh well.
I think the point is to force choice though. I haven’t been invited to beta (par for the course…but yeah not bitter… ) , but I think the point is sacrifice one option for another to make it “feel” like a real decision.
Let’s hope the versatility of the new talent tree is noticeable enough for people to change depending on the niche they’re trying to fill.
There are so many Dps players nowadays that just choose the “pad build” over niche talents that can help in specific content just so they can blast the meters.
The talent system for DF is an attempt by the current dev team to revive the original talent system. As the current dev team is talentless, it leaves something to be desired, but it is a marginal improvement on the current talent system and a step in the right direction. The best step that ActiBlizz could take would be to hire some real talent in the dev team, then some real talent in their writing team.
Semper Fi!
I think the ability to customize your character for specific things is really neat. If an encounter doesn’t need an interrupt, or crowd control, you can drop those points and pick up something else, instead. Maybe I need to do some off-healing and will drop a couple points there, for example.
What was wrong with BFA ? And didnt people alway asking more options to customize their characters ? And when Blizz does give you more options people cry, i dont understand
We need bigger trees AND major glyphs back to enhance and change our talented abilities
Having no way to get azerite gear outside of weekly m+ chest titanic powder for pvpers because the azerite gear from the conquest weekly cap had terrible crap traits, for one
Being able to get the currency from the pvp chest to trade in at the 20,000 vendor would have been a much appreciated quality of life change
Well its the same now , you cant get tier outside of M+ or Raid no ? Same as Azerite gear …
You can get tier from catalyst pvp gear?
Historically conquest pvp gear has always had tier set bonuses on it, since TBC introduced arenas
Bfa pvp bis was full pve
yeah it was so much better putting 5 of your points into something that gave you 1% of x stat then putting them into getting multiple spells/upgrades …
Yea the corruptions and stuff… i gave up pvp so i woulnt know
Crusaders gotta pony up.
yep , I am up to 5 different loadouts on my hunter on beta for different situations --I am sure that none of them are 100% correct yet though
you keep calling it complex
but unless you don’t know how to read, they’re not complex at all
you get a talent point starting at 11, alternating between spec and class
you must fill out a talent to select one it’s connected to
there are clearly defined gates depicting what value is needed to access those trees
how is this complicated
exactly , the ability to change on teh fly to another already stored loadout helps this even more .
They’re not overcomplicated and they absolutely have direction. Have you even tried them?
It’s really not.
You’re not sacrificing anything you haven’t done before with other talent trees.
Maybe it’s just me, but… i was actually kind of underwhelmed by the amount of nodes their are. Mainly because there’s not a lot of new ones to pull from. Whether from old content or new orgrinal ones, like adding some sort of deep wounds equivalent for like rogues, or a pure holy DPS build, or a board/plank DPS warrior shield thing. Or one handed only build.
Kind of funny coming from a classic player. The DF trees are closer to what we had from Vanilla - Cataclysm .
TO be honest not much different then what you are using on the toon you are posting on . The only difference is the number of years that have past leading to more stuff being on the DF trees.
you wont use 'em all, you’ll most likely do as always and go to BiS sites for what to choose and the odd person [LIKE ME] will just play around to see how it plays out.
No harm.
They are going with talent trees for a couple expansions it seems.
Gonna give up windfury totem for soke power elsewhere.