New Talent System, Too Many Nodes

I disagree, some of the trees are so poorly designed that building your talents isn’t an option.
What you are suggesting should have been the case, however implementation is not always accurate to intention.

It is very naive to believe all classes/specs came out from this remotely equally.

Doesn’t that imply a failure on the design intention of the change though?

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Isn’t that what we’ve done since the beginning?

Have you?

Even still, it’s irrelevant to the fact that they set out to design a system that opened more room for choice.
If they haven’t done that and the correct answer is to search for a build then how is it any different from the previous designs?
In which case why change it at all?

I’m impressed.

Every opinion you just stated is completely wrong.

If you can read and count, you can utilize the new talent trees.

Because it does open up customization. I will play around with the trees in the beginning, and if I hit on something that works I may stick with it. Some may not bother looking up bis at all and just go with the build they designed.

But I will be looking up the best build for each of my Druids specs, and will likely copy it. But that’s just me wanting to get the most out of my character.

Do you even play the game?

Because it allows good players more customization to Taylor builds for each specific situation versus having very bland and boring talents.

I think most will do a variation of the pre made trees they find from sites like icy veins and wowhead to an extent but I think quite a few will do some kind of variation where they may take a variation where they take 1 or 2 active abilities and possibly the same number of passives that are not part of the meta depending on their playstyle .

I’ve always been one of those people in raids that even though getting down the boss is important I know that it is my job as a hunter to put adds over boss .

So I tend to make a slightly stronger AOE build .

I will also make a ST one for sure and not fully sure how the changing of load outs is going to work in instanced content but hopefully it is going to be like spec changing where it can be done as long as you are out of content inside.

Dont worry there wil be a module that 1 click and picks it for you. It was there all from van to wrath

You should go look at path of exile

Guard is already back, it’s called Celestial Brew now. They renamed it so it could benefit from all the interactions that reduce brew cooldowns. (That’s also why its base CD is higher, but IIRC it works out about the same in practice.)

Based on Wowhead’s DF talent calculator, it looks like you may be able to not take it, but IDK if you would be trolling if you did or if you could actually get other abilities valuable enough to make it worth giving up Celestial. (Or potentially, if the other abilities available are so strong that Celestial becomes a noob trap.)


Azerite trait’s were not the problem. it was the acquisition of them and limitations put on them. most* players can figure out what they want out of a set of abilities if they can test things out freely.

because Azerite locked down after you got the choice. it didn’t stop players from min maxing their options. what did that mean? having like 5 duplicates of each item to have the trait optons.

if Azerite had all options on them and you could freely choose the options/ change them at no real cost at any time, then there wouldn’t be a major problem. waiting 5 minutes for a raid to optimize the talents isn’t an issue. its needing weeks of preparation to get a raid enough choices needed to have those options.

The talent system having a lot of nodes isnt really a problem. having required choice counts before going to the next section might be a larger problem in this context but it at least limits the amount of balance tuning

also, 3 point nodes need to go away without loosing the total value they currently represent

Well what I did to get a handle on it. I took a picture of what my talents are now…so at least I have a starting point…and then work from there

well, I’m sure it’s gonna be an improvement over what we have now. for M+ my talent choices on this character have been the EXACT same since 2018 when I started playing it. 4 years never changed a talent.

I just got into beta yesterday and copied this character and a couple others over to check out the talents.

I have to say it definitely looks intimidating at first, and will take some getting used to.

Once I got a little ways in though, I began to see some of the patterns. It is definitely complex, but not excessively overwhelming in my opinion.

I love the new talent setup. For the moment, you can freely swap points around at any time, even in dungeons (probably not M+), which gives me the greatest sense of freedom in talent tweaking in this games history. I very often move a point or two around, have become familiar enough with the spriest and devoker trees to know exactly where everything is, to the point where I can just open the window, click a few points around, hit the ‘apply’ button, and be on my way.

I really hope the ability to change points at any time stays as is. Don’t even need a rested area. The trees were intimidating at first, took time to read all the tooltips, but as I messed with them more and more, I never ever ever want to go back to the way it is on live right now.

A single point can still make or break a build in some cases, but there are several functional builds that serve different purposes for the classes I’ve tried, and having that flexibility to work around any comp, dungeon, or boss is completely fantastic and I’m a huge fan of it.

But that just isn’t true for some classes, for someone like Shaman sure, but 1 second duration on Divine Steed vs literally a legendary effect just isn’t a choice.
Having 28 required talents out of 31 isn’t “choice”, it’s a failure of design.

Inconsistency across design based on class is failure of design.

You don’t even need them to finish balance or have guides to see that, if talents are required to perform your role they aren’t options.

Why does something have to be excessively bad to be considered a bad idea?

Alot of hilarious posts.

You’re all just waiting on a streamer to say what I’m saying, to then nod your heads in concert.

They are very very clearly still making large changes to talents.

I know people hated how we were relegated to onky one tree in Cata, but so many Cata classes were some of the best iterations of their specs. God I miss Cata Disc so much. :sob:

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