New Talent System, Too Many Nodes

The class trees for many are doing a fantastic job at bringing some abilities to all specs, either way the number of people that like the trees direction is way higher than those that don’t, so we getting them juicy trees~

The number who like stuff are always higher than ones that don’t. Usually with IF MADE BY BLIZZARD, I AGREE.

Oh you back, and that makes no sense. I like the trees and their direction cause I like em, not sure why you feel the need to troll again trying to pin everyone who likes em as ‘blizz simps’

because anytime Blizzard comes up with an idea, people will defend it.

All I know is the new DF trees are making me want to play the game when it comes out and if it is good I may spend less time in there , then in here.

TO me GD has been more engaging and fun compared to the borrowed passive tree systems of the last 3 expansions.

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Remember pull the ripcord? Cause that was the vast majority. So no, there’s no mass Blizz shill conspiraceh

Covenants were praised because it offered meaningful choice lul.

What’s wrong with borrowed power if you’re playing the current expansion and maybe not the next? By the time the new stuff comes around, you’re already gone. The hatred against borrowed power is illogical (and it leads to button bloat.)

There is no button bloat and never has been .

THat is a player created problem .

Just because you have all the active abilities doesn’t mean you have to keybind them all .

Also every borrowed power system over the last 3 expansions out side of 1 or 2 active abilities (1 for artifact weapon in Legion) , (1 for essences in BfA) and (2 covenant abilities in SL ) have all been passive talent trees.

Artifact weapon /Netherlight =Passive trees
Azerite Gear/ Essences = Passive trees
Soulbinds/Conduits = Passive trees

None of those had anything to do with fixing button bloat. They had more to do with how long can we get people to think they are getting more powerful so they will keep spending money so the maus look good for the investors.

To be honest the last time I really felt powerful in game and 100 % enjoyed how my character played was Warlords.

People ay the nerfing started in WoD but really at the time we still had most of the passives that were later taken away to be turned into the borrowed power systems and given new names to fit the theme of the borrowed power expansions.

Let’s be honest about this.

The people that think this is too complex are precisely the people that are just going to google builds regardless.

Most of the people that enjoy building their own talents have every reason in the world to love this.

This is a nonsense post.

There is no button bloat and never has been .

THat is a player created problem .

Just because you have all the active abilities doesn’t mean you have to keybind them all .

Giving one new ability every expac that people have to fit into their rotation will cause bloat. And I’m not sold on the alternative where new expacs only give passives.

BC +1
Cata +1
Mop +1
WOD +1
Legion +1
BFA +1
Shadowlands +2

That’s a lot of abilities if you can use them all at once.

Once again

YOu don’t have to keybind and use them all.

Just because you have options doesn’t mean you have to use every option.

Find the one or ones that work best for you .

Going "Blizz I can’t control myself from using every active ability I have , you need to do for me what I will not do myself " (not saying you per say just a generalization), does not make it a Blizz created problem but a player created one.

Blizz isn’t saying players must use every active ability we give their class/specs . Players are making that choice themselves . So hence any button bloat players have they created themselves.

No, it’s about playing optimally.

Even optimally you don’t need to use every last ability .

You pick the ones that will help you play optimally .

There may be passives you need to play optimally that you have to go through an active ability to get to and the active one isn’t optimal . Guess what you don’t have to key bind the active one.

Passives don’t matter when it comes to buttons because they are passives and to be honest passives have a lot more to do with how optimized a character plays then key binding every last active ability a player has available.

you do use your entire kit especially if they’re expansion given buttons.

This isn’t counting the irrelevant buttons they initially give us.

Tfw you play an RPG but don’t wanna deal with build progression.

Never said that , should of read the whole thing

and it was a response to

So no where did I say I don’t want to deal with build progression .

Not every expansion given ability has been good and in the past not all were used so once again just because you have them doesn’t mean you have to or must use them .

What game were you playing when expac abilities weren’t used?/

I’ve been playing since Wrath Pre Patch all I know is there have been abilities over the years that were not that great and people complained about . Can I give specific ones probably not but more then likely they were removed from the game and this includes the times before legion on .

Yeah don’t get me wrong. I am not upset about it at all, and I do not think it is a difficult system.

I just personally do not see the need for the way they did it, rather than just putting better choices in the current system, which would have the same effect in the end, at least for how I approach the game.

I’m glad people are happy.

Here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re going to look up bis on wowhead or icy, copy the build, and never look at them again.