New Talent System, Too Many Nodes

FFX you can get all the nodes for every character. Wow isnt designed for all the nodes.

Okay and? Were you able to still understand the nodes and what they did even if there were 100+ of them? The OP acts like people can’t read or lack the ability to make informed decisions.

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Its hard to imagine why some would think is overwhelming. Most of these are pretty much what we’re already well aware of (Unless you’re Demonology Warlock, they get a TON of new toys for talents).

Though I can admit that the whole tree, two of them on top of it all, is honestly crazy but at the same time I personally like it. We not only get a dedicated spec and a “General” class tree too. We still keep our specialization identity while also remain within the class identity too.

All in all, I’m not even in the Beta to test this all out but from looking at it alone is already making me excited, some classes and specs that I already play are going to get such a upgrade in how they play. It’ll take people a month or so to realize this is all fine in the end, especially those that bother to stick around anyways.

They’re not that bad. Doesnt hurt to read talents for 20 minutes

Oof, yeah, that too. Forgot about that.

There is a difference. Since ffx was balanced around being able to obtain all of them. Wow isn’t.

Some talents don’t show you all the numerical stuff like internal cds, ppms, damage scaling mechanics. Numerically there will always be a best build, but not all that information is shown via tooltips.

Lol no it wasn’t.

By the time you get to penance you would probably have unlocked the full sphere grid if you were able to beat all the dark aeons. Or the final bosses from creature creation.

You either went the full 99999 hp builds or stuck with 9999 builds.

It’s really not that difficult. You’re putting way more thought into than is even remotely necessary.

Path of Exile?

The Passive Skill tree is easy.

Archnemesis though
 is something else :unamused:

It really isn’t that complex .

You pick a path to go along for your talents and you pick them. THis is how talents originally were.

You are just used to the participation trophy easy button even a caveman can do it talent system of the last 5 expansions. The original 4 (that includes what now is called classic) are closer in concept to what DF talent trees are .

Yes the DF trees might make you have to think a little but a little thinking never hurt anybody .

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Oh if I could of kept the Cata talent tree going into MoP I would of been so happy .

Cata had the best tree. Streamed down from the previous incarnations but not the easy button version of the last 5 xpacs.

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I’ve grown to like our current talent system, but I’m not opposed to having talent trees back.

What’s weird to me is how they made a basic class tree, with most of the spells we already have, plus a spec tree. And some of the spells added to the tree are different than what is currently live, like druid Wild Charge. I love it’s current iteration

There’s probably lots of options to swap things around depending on what content you’re doing, but at a glance it looks very overwhelming.

If feels like some are going

I like the talents returning - I hate that core rotational abilities are part of the talents.

For me, talents allow you to customize and alter your gameplay. Button overload and selecting base abilities should not be talents. I know the young people hate it but the best talents are passives that dramatically alter your gameplay. Imagine a monk tank build built on evading attacks instead of stagger and you get that build through talents that increase dodge % and things of that nature and perhaps the capstone is an active ability. Not 55 abilities and 5 passive.

Or imagine you can have a damage mitigation blood dk build, a self healing dk build, a hybrid dps tank dk build etc and not because you have more buttons but because the talents essentially function like legion legendaries where they alter the effects of abilities

I think you would be surprised at how many people “everybody” doesn’t encompass.

Even aside from the issue mentioned it suffers from separation of design, lack of consistency, lack of choice, and simple failure of design (some talents actually impact you negatively despite their intention, see Seal of the Templar for example)

I think they have made a very poor attempt at implementation of this system, not to discredit the exceptions to this rule such as Shaman who have an incredibly interesting class tree.

Their need to push the 1 talent point per level along side their “nothing can be baseline” attitude (for many classes) has really made the design suffer.
They needed a better design philosophy with a much more streamlined approach, whilst also the flexibility to reassess that design direction if they wanted to do it properly.

I agree some things need to be baseline but they will never go without making us have to earn abilities . At least now we will get to keep them instead of losing them and going back down to the previous xpacs level of power + gear.

I think that’s fair, but I think they’ve grasped too tightly to that idea, to the hinderance of some classes.

I agree this is a positive, however based on the current Paladin talents I’d rather lose them all in 11.0 than keep them.

The thought that these are designed to be persistent is honestly horrifying considering the apparent haphazard nature in which they have chosen to design the classes.

There is almost no consistency of design across the class trees for example, with some classes having to talent into current baseline abilities whilst others get them baseline, some classes being overloaded with required throughput talent whilst others require very few etc.

I think in 11.0 there will be some changes to the trees where some of the stuff might not stick around because of lack of use or problems with them .

This first version is an experiment so they can get an idea of how to tune them for the future .

To me the best talent system was the one from Cata. It was a streamlined version of the Van-Wrath one but since they want us focusing on specs and not classes and the fact that Surv is now Melee , they will never give us builds that let us take from the other specs in our class again that are not now part of the class tree.

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The class trees for many are doing a fantastic job at bringing some abilities to all specs, either way the number of people that like the trees direction is way higher than those that don’t, so we getting them juicy trees~