New Talent System, Too Many Nodes



Seriously, like, I hope ALL of these devs get a raise because they deserve it dealing with such an inconsistent community that doesn’t seem to know what it wants. One minute it wants classic to stroke nostalgia - next minute I see wreckless abandonment of said nostalgia as populations decline…

Like, hello, this is a game first. And in a game you’re going to have a SPECTRUM of opinions, of subjective wants, of things they consider “fun”.

I’m amazed that people don’t understand this. I’m amazed that you, OP, find it so amazing that people like me find this new system an amazing improvement.

Just be happy with the GENERAL direction the devs are going in.

They could have EASILY given us another BFA, another Shadowlands, full of temporary borrowed power systems. But they DIDN’T…they LISTENED to the core part of the feedback and iterated on that. But they can’t listen to ALL feedback because at some point, they have to draw the line in the sand and say this is the vision - this is the mission - and this is the design direction.

Let’s just all be happy sheesh.

Borrowed power is good. Being unable to change how a spec plays is bad if you don’t like what it changed to. And if a class never changes, it just gets boring. Adding one new spell per expac to a rotation will get overwhelming.

Difference between borrowed power vs non-borrowed power is that for this expac, people get nothing new. And for next expac, it’ll probably undergo yet another revamp because using old stuff only sucks (or heavily incentivized to throw out most of it again.)

After playing classic, I can 100% say I miss the original talent systems the most. I loved tbc/wrath.

We have a boring system. It’s not engaging, it’s not rewarding while leveling, it’s just bad. It has been since it was implemented.

And it’s not.

It’s none of those things.

No, keeping the same thing is why they did a level squish. It was a band aid until they could revamp the talent system to make it more engaging and interactive while leveling. You now earn things during leveling, instead of getting only a few things.

It’s not an illusion. Every single talent that I’ve taken or had to decide was interesting and effective.

No, because there’s a bunch of different builds you can create.

There are no minor choices.

Not enough then, if you think these talents are useless.

No. You’re thinking end game only. You’re not thinking the ENTIRE game and leveling.

There’s not one damn thing “cumbersome” about this. :roll_eyes:

Because it’s not.


So I said more cumbersome, because it has more weight to it (albeit negative connotation.). And you’re saying more complexity (weight) but that it isn’t more?

And you’re looking at the whole game. You mean the one to three weeks where you level compared to the 2 years that you play end game for every expansion?

The final result and buttons you’re pushing for 2 years is why matters most. What we’re getting will feel very very similar to how it feels now for the duration of the expansion. But at first it will be slightly more complicated to get there and figure out your builds for different situations (which we also have now, and it will be a miracle if the options for different play styles are even close to equal in tour preferred game modes, just like now)

Good complicated or bad complicated depending on your perspective it WILL be more complex, which even by your definition in a situation where actual weight is not an issue, is more ‘heavy’ and difficult to maneuver. Even if it feels better to some.

Can’t believe you can’t admit that.

How are there not? You can take an interrupt or get something like 1% more damage. How is that not a minor choice?

ONly if you let it . Just because you have spell doesn’t mean you have to use it .

So you get a new spell that you think will work better then an old spell , you replace it on the key bind with the new one.

JUst because a person has options doesn’t mean they have to use every single one.

It is simple critical thinking.

What do I need and what do I not need , then enacting those things (ablities) one has decided they need to use.

It really isn’t any different then our OG trees.

Just do what we did in the past and look up a guide…oh we do that still in general…well OP do that.

OP is most likely a MoP on forward baby and honestly I’m thinking more like Legion on so most likely a borrowed systems baby .

So they don’t know about a time where we had all of our abilities active and passives and didn’t lose a big chunk of our passives at the end of an expansion.

What they don’t realize is the DF trees are giving us back those passives instead of putting into a throw away system like Soulbinds/Conduits and letting us keep them .

I’m starting to think some are counting passives as ability bloat when ability bloat only factors into active abilities and that can be controlled by the players.

Just because they have all of these active abilities doesn’t mean they have to key bind all of them .

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Youre contradicting yourself. You claim thst these talents aren’t useful and just filler, bug now say they have mote wieght to them. It can’t be both.

Different people are different. You dont frt to claim how long others will be leveling. Some enjou leveling new characters. New players may take longer, etc.

This is an MMOPRG with a huge leveling experience. The talent system needs to complement the leveling and the ENTIRE experience from bottom to top.

You don’t get to dismiss it just because you don’t think it’s important.

Wrong again.

It’s not complicated. It’s engaging.

What even is this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You keep making this out to be a negative problem. It’s not. It’s the best step forward that they’ve made. You look at the bottom of your trees and look at what you enjoy. Then see the paths to get there and.pick whay fits your gameplay for whichever situation.

Instead of lazily choosing a few lousy talents, now you put in the interest info how you get there, picking things that are cool in between.

Can’t believe you’re too tunnel visioned on “mUh CoMpLeXiTy.”

… I don’t even know how to answer this without headdesking. Not to mention, none of the talent trees I’ve messed with are 1% damage increases.

Moving on.

You’re right in that a lot of these people probably are. And it seems they’ve never played some of the MMORPGs with real talent systems.

This is exactly what ive been askinv for: expand the talent system with all of the artifact talents, azerite traits, Torghast perks, etc. It’ll be engaging things to expand the system and make leveling more interesting.

… I don’t even know how to answer this without headdesking. Not to mention, none of the talent trees I’ve messed with are 1% damage increases.

Moving on.

It’s forsaking utility for damage. The tradeoff exists for some classes.

Stuff not taken, remove curse, spellsteal.

Another thing is as you can see that I’ve pointed out that just because somethin is picked as an active ability doesn’t mean it has to be key bound .

THe trees give various pathways and some paths will work in some content and other paths in other forms of content . Either way it is all options and not every option needs to be taken . Just the one/s that work for the individual player.

THose doing high end end game will most likely take the metas others like me may take a variant of it where there may be 1 or 2 active abilities as well as maybe some passives that aren’t .

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There will always be those that may as well use a stencil when picking their talents basing them off of what others say. I’m having fun with all of the options things give. It is true that getting everything you want is usually not possible due to the required pathways, but that is what decision making is all about. Now you just have to worry about more than three options.

You’re trolling.

It’s more complex. You said it’s not. It is.

I personally don’t think it’s necessary, but I can see how others would like it.

You don’t like how to me cumbersome and complex mean similar things when it comes to a talent tree.

My point in arguing with you is this: I said it’s more cumbersome, complex, insert other word, than what we have now. I only take issue with you saying it’s not. I don’t see how you can possibly say the new tree is not less simple than what we have. You have made it about the good vs bad of that. I’m just baffled that you can’t admit there’s more to it than what we have now. Which…there is.

“Someone doesn’t agree with me, so they must be trolling!”

Learn the definition of that word before you throw it around like you’re butt hurt. :roll_eyes:

Not going to turn this into a childish “nuh-uh, yah-huh” back and forth.

Deal with it.

This comment is absolutely NOT the same as:

Learn the difference.

Person confused by talent trees that say things like Increases X by 5% or gives 2% critical hit makes angry post on forums.

Don’t worry classic will get to Pandaria eventually so you can have your kindergarten talent trees.

The next point is will Blizzard tune content assuming the entire group/raid appropriately respecs for every fight for max single target or max aoe?

Thank you for the cumbersome conversation. I hope you have a complex night.

However did I play Final Fantasy X? All those nodes on the sphere grid must’ve been too much for my little smooth 10 year old brain.

I would tune around slack. They sort of already do this for the other modes.

Mythic having the less slack (performsnce from at best possible performance).

But it feels like they tune for rwf raiders then nerf it later.