New system in place

LOL -150 holy bombs

Yeah, stuff is changing aside from how points are being distributed and while you might have some people instantly leaving for a while as if there’s no penalty it’ll probably be fine eventually.

Like, yeah, if some guy loses then immediately ragequits it’ll feel bad but on the other hand if you never do this you’ll climb off other people doing it.

It’ll also likely be less common.


Left 2 games so far today, my mmr did not change, only my cr went down -150 which was already happening anyway. The dps who couldn’t land the kill while on my team also lost rating.

No if you leave you lost cr and mmr no way for you to exploit it.

But how long ago? I played earlier today and this 100% was not implemented yet.

1hr ago and 10mins ago.

it’s not

people losing points for bad rng with early rounds is much better than nobody gaining/losing anything every leave


You take -150 rating and not sure the MMR penalty and multiple leaving will have account reviewed for suspensions. (don’t agree with that) Why I don’t agree with suspensions is Blizz is doing it for failures on their end. The players still suffer.

BRUH why they doing this

agreed better than prior

still, this system seems like it relies on actually deterring the leaver behavior to not still be annoying

i really don’t understand what makes this the best alternative

It seems preferable to somebody being able to leave at any time and deny all gains/losses regardless of how harshly they choose to punish said leaver.


I will agree with that being better

My question is when was this hotfixed. Some of you played earlier and didn’t have this.

Shouldn’t blizz notify of changes?

Yeah, definitely had a leaver about five hours ago with no point gain.

Ideally, at least for stuff like this.


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Reduced gains or is it just because he’s lower?

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I’m no rocket surgeon so I couldnt tell you the math but only 2 rounds played and presumably less MMR to donate

I guess we’ll see over the next few hours and days.

Also curious if the leaver prompt is in. Like, the little 5 second countdown before they can leave just so people are less likely to insta tilt afk.

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so im assuming the -150 was the person who left? haha

Yop, they can’t hide anymore

better get your whisper blockers now

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