New Sylvanas novel available for preorder

Oh god it was real I thought i was just having nightmares…


She is indeed good. The Shattering to this day was the best book. Hell, it for a time she made me care about Anduin and the Alliance side story. Sadly her last book left a sour taste in my mouth and I just hope this book won’t repeat that.

Just noticed something interesting.

The cover is very reminiscent of the soul splitting Uther cinematic, no?

I don’t think it was ever really suggested in the book itself- that view was pushed on forums. Somehow Parqual having books taken by an unnamed someone and getting an “admonishment”, turned into “SYLVANAS BURNS BOOKS!!!”


the book burning may have only been Parqual’s recollection, I don’t actually remember that being part of the story. I remember he was a historian and he was just lamenting that Forsaken don’t need history anymore, not the history of Lordaeron, only the history of the Forsaken. He never says it’s something Sylvanas dictates, Golden wrote that Sylvanas keeps her own stack of personal memento’s and letters in a locked drawer of her desk so she’d be a huge hypocrite if that was true.

Yeah, I didn’t like the idea that they could just sew on other people’s body parts and have those body parts still retain the muscle memory of their previous owner, that seems like an ethical nightmare to justify. I don’t think the Forsaken are just swapping out body parts.

I loved Elsie, I think there should be more remorse for Elsie and I really wished they had Nathanos be more upset about what happened to Elsie, that would have created more of a he has free will and a mind of his own situation.

She uses nationalist rhetoric to get the Forsaken to attack her enemies but she’s careful enough to make sure that it’s a very specific kind of nationalism defined entirely by her. Independent research on the subject is verboten because she won’t tolerate any narrative contrary to the one she wanted them to believe.

It’s similar to how totalitarian states operate IRL. Like, if you’re in China you can only read about/teach nationalist historical narratives that the government approves of and you’ll get disappeared if you want to talk about something like, say, the Tiananmen Square massacre or Communist collaboration with Imperial Japan.


Remember, Sylvanas considers it paramount that those she controls to be largely hopeless. She needs people to reject the possibility that things can change for the better. It’s why she gets so triggered by the concept of “hope”


This forum over-reacting and creating hyperbolic false narratives? no not this forum.


Those memories were too fresh to be anything but painful, yet how sweet they still were. The Forsaken were strongly discouraged from revisiting places they had loved in life. Their home was no longer Lordaeron but the Undercity, a place that, like the inhabitants who no longer had need of sleep, didn’t distinguish between day and night.
Once or twice, Parqual had sneaked into his former lodgings, smuggling books into the Undercity. But he had been caught once and admonished. His books had been confiscated. There is no need to remember the human history of this place, he had been told. Only the history of the Undercity matters now.

Doesn’t really matter if they’re being burned or not, they are being confiscated. Kaleaon is right. I don’t see people saying burning? Except for Zerde suggesting they burn the Sylvanas book.


Not just this forum either!

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oh he got his books taken away and got reprimanded, that must = Nazy Germany.

This is not to you, I’m just commenting on how things can be grossly over-inflated.

Can anyone with image posting privileges post a side by side comparison of the cover of the Sylvanas novel and the Uther Soul-Split by Frostmourne moment?

The color scheme and aesthetic design are almost 1 to 1.

Who is saying that?


Not in this particular thread, but I’m sure you could easily find this comment somewhere on the forum and elsewhere.

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As demonstrated by Parqual, the problem is that remembering Forsaken remembering Lordaeron has a tendency to make them sympathetic to the Alliance to the point where they’ll defect if given the opportunity.

Ok. Because what Kaleaon said was seems to hold true.

yes, and since the Forsaken are always at war with the Alliance, those kinds of sentiments can be dangerous.

It’s why she tortured Koiltra. The Alliance cannot be Forsaken allies, it’s a matter of survival.

oh I see a certain goblin’s gonna pick a fight…

Sure they can. That was the entire point of the Gathering, finding common ground. Until that actually became a problem to her desires.


Within this novel we get to see Sylvanas’ inner most thoughts. Her yearning school girl like crush on the pretty Boy-King. So close, yet so far across the Faction Lines. She killed those at the Gathering because they were attempting to do what she could never hope to; rush to Anduin’s side amongst the Alliance. Until her frustrated passion just boiled over and she had to do something, anything, to get his attention. So she lit the biggest candle she could find. After all, if she could not be his special someone … she would be his villain. :crazy_face:


you missed the whole point of the Gathering then.

It’s not as simple as reconnecting, that’s idealistic. There’s too much bias against the undead and too much mistrust of the living. Sylvanas’s own sisters called her an abomination just for being undead, and they judged her for leading the Horde, even though she’s only in the Horde because she was rejected from the Alliance.

Sylvanas didn’t create the rift between the Forsaken and the Alliance, the Alliance did that with their fear, and mistrust. The Alliance are not all good people, Admiral Rogers is a raging anti-Forsaken bigot, and Genn specifically chose her for Stormhiem because he wanted people who hated the undead to accompany him. There were many people who Anduin interviewed who said their undead relatives deserved to be killed.

If you think Azeroth is a safe and welcoming place for undead, you’re naïve.