I literally started laughing so hard my eyes are watering. The author announcing the next big novel for WoW, does so with a comical mess of typos!
I feel like there’s a comment about the books, lore, retcons, Sylvanas’ story, and how seriously they’re even taking this.
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Eh, unless she’s writing the book with a speech to text app on her phone, I don’t think we have to worry about the adventures of Aunt Bruin at the Sylvan Learning Center.
Great! Love it! Pre-ordered immediately!
I also immediately thought of the Story Forums and imagined what the thread about this announcement would look like…and I must say SF did not disappoint!
Always was. I warned folks not to let their anti-Sylvanas talking points go their heads. A lot of you convinced yourselves that Blizzard was going to ditch Sylvanas after 9.1, instead a major book about her is coming out around the same time as when Blizzcon and the next expansion is announced.
Just yesterday people were saying Blizzard did not love the character anymore lol
Oh and who is narrating the audio book? The lovely and talented Patty Matson!
This is why I love Warcraft.
agreed! here here.
To many more years of Warcraft and Sylvanas.
Oh no not Golden! Get ready for lore inconsistencies and retcons.
So in other words, a absolute train wreck of a novel, just like the character. Should be fun. (Though I did enjoy Rise of the Lich King novel)
idk. I can’t wait to read the book. I think Anduin is a part of it. You can tell she doesn’t like what is happening to him . She has always had a soft spot for Anduin. She has always had respect for his father Varian. What the Jailer is doing to Andiun will be a factor in her decision. What she ultimately does, will have larger significance. I think they picked Golden for this book because she is good at character development and can help explain her motivations.
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Hope so, because blizzard sure as hell sucks at putting her motivations in the damn game…which you know, where the overwhelming majority get their lore from.
But, bring on this train wreck of a novel. It’s going to have more holes than Swiss cheese, with a healthy dose of contradictions
I agree 100%. I’m okay with Anduin being a type of audience surrogate, and I’m okay with him picking apart her arguments while in captivity, because it’s in character for him and it’s not like he has anything else to do. I’d prefer if her doubts that we see her struggling with are not because Anduin’s particularly special, but something that she’s always had, sitting at the back of her mind while she murdered her own people and burned Teldrassil. Now that’s she’s almost accomplished whatever her endgame is, she has to sit and wait for Zovaal’s instruction, no longer having any immediate action to distract herself with, and those doubts are crawling out of the corners of her mind, forcing her to pay them attention. I think that part of her wanting to persuade Anduin to her side is that she’s also trying to reaffirm her own confidence that she’s right, but that didn’t work out for her since Anduin both refused to be persuaded and eventually figured out that she had doubts, and once he realized that he threw them back in her face. She can’t just burn down another World Tree like she did when Delaryn stirred up similar feelings since Anduin is part of the plan, whatever the plan is. I’m hoping that the whole situation is less about Anduin being “special” in Sylvanas’ consideration, and more that he stumbled across a deep nerve that was already there and used his considerable skill with words to dig into it. By refusing to be persuaded to her cause, and by pointing out that he couldn’t make a meaningful choice since she held all the power between them, he denied her the moral victory and confidence boost she was seeking, and I think she was already looking for something like that to bury her doubts under before Anduin was captured. What she’s refusing to see is that what she seeks is impossible, because she is in fact wrong. She keeps on trying to justify the unjustifiable, and then gets upset when people don’t agree with her. She seems to genuinely believe that if she could only make others see what she sees, they’d understand and agree that she’s always done the right thing. Arthas thought the exact same way, and that’s how he justified becoming a monster.
I wouldn’t assume that considering how long it’s taking us to get to 9.1. There’s been some anniversary stuff datamined from the PTR, and the anniversary is in November.
Honestly, I wouldn’t have a problem with that.
"W-well, actually… Those souls on Teldrassil were gonna go to super-duper Hell if she didn’t roast them all, which is way worse than the Maw, and Sylvanas knew this so she killed them all, which is why she is actually a good person 'cause the Maw isn’t as bad. :^) "
And to think we witnessed first hand some people making similar claims to that on this very forum. Now I’m not sure if I want to laugh or just let out a really long sigh
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were you consulted(potentially made aware of changes)for the new Sylvanas book considering Edge of Night is so integral to modern Sylvanas?
Blizzard is a super collaborative environment, so it never really worked that way - it’s not like people are “in charge” of characters. Great people collaborate on whatever story needs to be told… which is exactly what happened when I wrote “Edge of Night” way back in the day!
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Awww crap!! Golden wrote it. Got excited for nothing. Guess Ill buy it anyway.
Golden has tweeted about comparisons between this new book and Arthas: Rise of the Lich King: https://twitter.com/ChristieGolden/status/1384983397089439745
Also, apparently the typos in her initial announcement tweet were indeed due to speech-to-text messing up.
She’s a good writer, I just hope she has brushed up on her Forsaken lore because that was my major complaint about Before the Storm…that and Sylvanas’s inner monologue not matching her actions in BfA.
But Sylvanas is a very secretive character, having an entire book of her inner thoughts should be very revealing. Will we see what she was actually thinking when she said “burn it!” or when she said “The Horde is Nothing!”
Providing her inner thoughts to those moments is not retconning, it’s expanding on our understanding.
Also I wish people (not you, the rest of the thread) would tone down their saltiness.
what, you didn’t like her wholesome take on Forsaken?/s
I have to admit that was a little off putting, Elsie was too human and less Forsaken.
while some parts were ‘sweet’ like the blacksmith and his hand and how he was lost to the war, it felt like she was writing humans, not Forsaken.
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I disagree. I don’t think we have to presume everything is ‘just as planned’ for the writers. That never really seems to hold true.
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My problem was suggesting that Sylvanas had turned Undercity into a totalitarian state where you weren’t even allowed to have books or remember Lordaeron. When there are many, many examples in-game where that was just not true at all.
Also the idea that the Forsaken were falling apart when before the lore was that Forsaken were actually physically stronger than their living cousins.
Stuff like that. Mostly minor.
I also hate how people who never read Before the Storm misinterpret the ending. Most of the Desolate Council wasn’t even in Arathi, only those with willing families still alive in Stormwind went, and even then many of those families disown them at Arathi long before arrows start flying.
I actually kind of like Elsie because she stays loyal to Sylvanas to the end and tells Calia to stop what she’s doing.