New spirit beast?

I was hoping there would be a new spirit beast, there is usually one every expac. maybe it will come later?

In general i am disappointed with the new pet models. I wish we could have gotten a wax pet, i love the kobolds. I’d love to have a Wax/fire spirit beast.


I wish… :frowning:


I dunno I got a eel which is pretty neat, not even sure it’s intended to be tameable or not but we’ll see.


Agreed on pet model disappointment.

Rams are decent, the narwhaly ram (can’t remember name) also good.

Of course they’re cunning and tenacity so almost completely useless.

Bloodgullet was available immediately in DF plus Sulraka and the rest from later on. Also dragonkin was interesting, plus beavers and otters.

Fingers crossed for some better stuff later.


i almost thought that ugly giraffe thing was going be a spirit pet after goblins throw it back after geting you to take the cursed skull


I really wanted it to be one. :frowning:

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A spirit beast Lynx would be amazing, like one made of Light.


Yes! Or at the very least an armored one, who’s eyes, claws, mouth etc. have the glow of the sacred flame!

Eel? What eel? I wanna know!

There actually is a new Spirit Beast in The Rookery, though no one knows how to tame it. It’s flagged as friendly, so there must be some way to make it neutral/hostile.

Good luck if you test stuff out!

In the bug area, it’s on petopia and wowhead has an article about some of the new hunter pets, I’d link it but my internet is down and my hotspot is incredibly slow lol. You can also get a sea slug in the same zone and it’s smol and adorable.

It’s in a pond in spider land. It counts as a serpent and just floats around in the air after you tame it.

It was reported on beta but never fixed.

it also keeps it’s red glow, which is neat.

Internet is back, so here you go

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We’ve been seeing chatter from some hunters thinking that Aradan isn’t available to tame yet. While capturing this secretive stormrook isn’t as obvious as most tameable hunter pets, we wanted to confirm to those of you looking to tame Aradan that there’s nothing preventing the capture of this spirit beast.

Good luck taming this blue birb!


Thank you Linxy for working on a game I enjoy.

TWW is an awesome xpac so far!

What do birds love? Trees.
What does lightning strike? Trees.

The solution is obvious, you need to be standing in a tree to tame Aradan.

there’s nothing preventing the capture of this spirit beast.

Does that currently apply to Both NA and EU players or Just NA as their season has just started or was it tamable before the start of the season?

What I want to see is spirit beast heal buffed. Just make it replace fortitude of the bear for spirit beasts it might be slightly weaker of a defensive, but it will have a shorter cd and you can use it on others.

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While going back at the pets, can we please make Nah’qi available to all hunter specs that can tame him? Defeating M Fyrakk for him, and not being able to use him as Survival kind of sucks.