New Spellbook impressions

This has been a problem since Dragonflight with the Talent Page. The scaling is off and it makes it reather unpleasant to use. I reported it in the last beta, and here we still are. Hopefully it will be considered this time, as the spellbook is even more important as a UI element.

Currently if you have another UI element open like your friends list or dungeon finder it switches it back to half the page, very similar to the old spell book i’d like a option to default to that.
I really hate how much visions it currently blocks ao if not that then it at least needs to gradient to see-through like the map can while moving.

Last I looked, there was an arrow to toggle the “half-sized” version next to the ‘x’ in the top right.

Didnt notice it earlier so i think that was added today cause i was looking for anyway to make it smaller launch night.

Would still like it to go gradient if you open it while moving, and if the shrink feature could be added to the talent page thatd be nice, only showing 1 tree at a time.

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Having the option to resize/reshape the window would be nice.

I agree with OP on all points. Additionally, I have another issue that has been a problem with the old spell book that I was hoping would be addressed in the new one:

Why are some passives from the talents screen shown, but not others? I would prefer the spell book to show me in one view ALL the passives I have activated. Yes, that info is in the talent tree, but the tree shows you everything else you haven’t selected, so it’s not helpful when you want to review your specific talent build. Having the spell book show you all your selected passives helps you understand how they are working in concert with each other, and would making understanding your particular build that much easier.

It really needs work

Another minor thing I’d add is that they should probably bump the Dragonriding stuff to its own subsection in General instead of containing it all within one button. It’s a little silly clicking the dropdown and having it expand to like 14 icons. (and it doesn’t help that the icons are basically a big pile of “a bluish dragon pointing in a direction”)

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There is a one page version if you open the macro menu while spell book is open. It really threw me out as I want the macro menu to be big, not the spell list. I have to use an addon called macromanager just so that I have enough space have both all my macros in left list and a huge text area to write macros.

They added a half-width version of the spellbook you can use now, which is nice. But it is RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SCREEN and CANNOT BE MOVED. At that point, I almost prefer still using the big version since I can at least see more spells at a time. I mean, if it’s gonna take up the middle of my screen anyway… They’re getting closer, but we really just need the ability to move our windows.

I totally agree that the new spellbook is far too large. It looks really nice, but the size of the old one was better.

In the Beta the Spellbook hides one of my action bars. I haven’t changed any settings, screen resolution is 1920 x 1080.

How am I supposed to easily drag and drop a skill there? Sure, I could redesign my UI, but changing what works for me just for the spellbook to work as intended just proves that the new design is flawed.

Here is a screenshot how it looks for me with the spellbook open:

How this could be improved:

  • make it possible to be moved to the side - there are already addons for this that work like a charm, it’s a super simple solution

  • make it possible to use the half-width version all the time - however this alone does not solve the problem with the hidden action bar at all

  • resize it/change the spacing of the skill icons - even though some of the skill names are long, there is a huuuge gap on the right side of the first two skill rows that you can see in the screenshot… that does not seem to make any sense apart from taking up space.

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At least for that, the arrow button in the top right does work to switch to the “one page only” version on demand. I’m not sure it would help in your case since I don’t think it modifies vertical size, but I might be wrong. And it’s not like your case is particularly uncommon - isn’t that where the 3rd action bar gets put by default when enabled?

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Ah, nice, thank you! I didn’t see that this was possible. Unfortunately it still hides the 3rd action bar xD And yes, it’s the default position of it.

It’s been broken for quite awhile IMO, as at least since 10.1 in Dragonflight the “100%” setting on the UI scale slider does not in any way correlate to the scale of the UI by default when UI scale is completely disabled. It’d be great to get a full fix.

the half-width toggle is def nice. i’m hoping that it staying in the middle of the screen is just a bug/oversight that’ll get fixed

unrelated to the size, i’d like if specs were better delineated/broken up. either give them separate tabs like they had before, OR have each spec start at the top of a page. so if, say, spec A takes up a page and a half, have spec B start on page 3 instead of halfway down page 2.

and if separate tabs aren’t in the cards, maybe also add “jump to” buttons so we don’t have to scroll past spec B to view spec C

It should be reverted to how it was.