New Spellbook impressions

Yes. Way too big, agreed. The toggle to hide passives is a nice touch for sure, but it’s still too big and we can’t compact or move it. Make it scaleable somewhere in the options maybe.

(One of the things bothersome to me are UI elements that can’t be moved without a separate addon like Moveit. Let me drag any window off to the side so I can see my bags, bars or quest log. Let me have multiple windows open. Don’t close my open windows when I open something else.)


One of my biggest complaints in general is that you can’t move your bag window. if I could, I would literally have no more use for bagnon on live. I have UI elements in the lower-right that are just completely covered when I open my bag. It’s frustrating that we need moveit or other addons to move things. Edit Mode is a good start, but there needs to be more that’s moveable and resizable, like this spellbook :confused:


The spellbook needs to be shrunk down in size, and have only 2 vertical rows of abilities per page, not 3, and have the passives show as a different tab underneath it. Would fix it entirely

We should have an option to re-scale the spellbook like you would any window on a pc.


Then why are you on the feedback post about the spellbook.

My personal feedback, it’s way too large for the amount of content it it showing. I feel it could be half this size and show the same amount of information.


It would also be nice to have the spell book icon on the UI menu bar, instead of having to hit “P” to open it.

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Jumping on the bandwagon - it’s too large in its current state and its general set up makes it a bit overwhelming to look at the first time you open it.
It’s the right direction but needs some tweaks. Resizing and the ability to filter active/passive abilities would be amazing.


The Beta spellbook is far too large and cluttered. I don’t need to see the other abilities at all. The live spellbook is easily accessible and doesn’t take up my entire screen and cause a mass overload of information. It’s great you have things like putting in crabs instead of spiders for people with arachnophobia- now please remove the excessive clutter for people who are neurodivergent.


This UI is just as bad as the one they did for professions in DF. It’s too big and does not need to be combined with the talent/spec UI. I don’t want my entire screen blocked when looking at it or any other menu - professions and talents/spec windows can also be smaller. I also don’t need to see spells for specs I’m not currently using.

I second (or 3rd or 10th) being able to resize this window (and the others I mentioned above). And I agree with Mokushi that the bag window needs to be moveable. If we move the bag bar someplace else that’s where the bag window should open.

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I like the overall new spell book but have to agree that we need to be able to resize it as it is way too big and clunky.

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Interestingly in talking about the talents pane, which is another bulky item, I’ve made this observation.

The Hero Talents section which is being added on in between the Class and Spec trees has a button to minimise the view. It essentially collapses it so that all the passive talents that everyone has to pick anyway are hidden, and only the choice nodes show. Of course, in classic Blizzard fashion, this doesn’t actually reduce the size of the window, it just leaves you with a tiny section of content in the middle top and this gigantic amount of empty space that is still obscuring your screen for no good reason.

I guess technically since it’s incorporated into the Talents pane now, it’s essentially available by clicking on Talents, then switching to the spellbook’s tab. The shortcut acts as a shortcut to get you there faster. There’s at least some logic there, seeing as “talents” in the system introduced by Dragonflight are essentially the same thing, just as a tree picker for the ones you can pick, versus the exhaustive list once you’ve picked em.

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Then just press the “Hide passives” button on the top right and be done with it… Geez. Not everything has to be a thing.

Just hide them and move on with life.


The spellbook is way too big. You can’t actually drag abilities to your action bars because window covers them over! The sorting is weird - it should be left to right, then up to down… and the tabs at the bottom of the page are also too small. All-in-all, this is a downgrade.


I bugged it in game for no longer being where it was and now being attached to talents.

Blizzard, please revert the book. For all the reasons above.

I do think it looks better, but it could use some tweaks like you pointed out. I would also like an index section which separates the spells by some category, with the spells on your bar highlighted, and you could get a brief description by hovering over the individual spell. You could then click the spell to ‘open to its page’ to get a detailed view of the spell by itself on its page(s). To me that would feel and look like a real book of spells.

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Ui scale is borked anyway, which may be a contributing factor to the ginormousness of the Spellbook.

Perhaps, but it being tied now to talents is a move that was not needed, not wanted, and now looks and feels awful IMO.

I’m not sure that part of it is an issue. It’s a different tab that allows you to navigate back and forth, so it’s mainly just adding ease of navigation for related things; there’s little distinction between “spells” and “talents” since they’re the same thing in the restructured talents that came in from Dragonflight. Nothing stops the spellbook from being a different sized pane compared to the talents pane, so the main difference is just the little nav options at the bottom, which I don’t think are the problem.

Given that the old shortcuts still work, so you aren’t forced to go through talents to get to the spellbook every time, it seems fine. The micro menu is pretty crowded in general anyway. Perhaps one improvement there could be to allow a player to choose which of a range of options to show/hide - which could mean they could put in a “spellbook” button, as well as a “talent” button, but remove Shop, or whatever, or just show all, etc.

Resizing is a thing important to me.
It’s very strange to me that you can’t resize it yet, and it’s absolutely gigantic.

Meanwhile I still have to use addons, or rescale my entire UI, to make my party frames big enough to see debuffs properly on default.

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Adding my voice to the choir of folks saying the spellbook is absolutely enormous. I like it just fine outside of the fact that it’s so massive, other UI elements should be getting dragged in to it’s orbit.