New Spec for Rogues

Can I offer a new idea for the Rogue without any mocking or ridicule? Why don’t the Rogue’s have a Spec like Gunslinger? The Hunter class has 2 spec’s that are Ranged based and 1 which is Melee based. So, why can’t Rogue’s have 2 Melee based spec’s and one Ranged Based spec?I’m thinking it would be fun and cool to have Rogue’s running around with Dual Pistol’s. If Subtlety is suppose to be hard why not change to a fun kind of hard?

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I’d like this a lot, but also don’t want sub to go. New sub feels really great.


get rid of outlaw not sub


And the one melee spec of hunters is really really bad. I would rather not have rogues go from having 3 viable specs to 2.


Sure if it isn’t a dumb idea.

Wait never mind, don’t offer the new idea.

Removing sub because it’s the harder of the specs…?
Sub is “hard” because it offered a higher skill ceiling for mastery. And you want to remove that?


I really like the idea of a gunslinger, as I play this in almost every game I have the chance, but I wouldn’t remove Sub for it. If I had to choose one spec to change into this, I would choose Assassination since it’s the least unique of the 3 specs, but ideally there would be a 4th spec instead so that people that do like Assassination don’t feel like Survival Hunters at Legion launch.


Make gunslinger, return combat to being combat, and take all the pirate crap with it.



I’ll give you a chance.

If you had of instead tried to sell me on pre-cata combat, I would be all over it. I know, it’s kinda disgusting to some, but Vanilla TBC Wrath dagger combat with step, smoke bomb, and redirect, I can dream can’t I?

All im gonna say is there was never a better hunter and DK killer than Combat Rogue in Wrath, we straight pub stomped them. God it was good!

I think a dual pistol-wielding ranged spec could be fun, but there’s absolutely no way I’d be willing to give up Subtlety for it.


I would be fine with it replacing combat.

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Why not just add another spec instead of replacing one? Druids don’t need to be alone here.


I think on the whole Blizzard should start adding additional specs instead of new classes. Each expansion say a new spec is unveiled for a class, maybe have 2 or 3 classes per xpac gain new talent trees and specializations.

Edit: Or maybe have an expansion dedicated to giving all existing classes an additional spec.

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I think if they just took away the CD on BtE and let us have a way to build and spend combo points at range it would make the most sense. Maybe talent more towards melee or ranged but having no DoTs and viable range would make our spec much more balanced instead of trying to even it out with RNG.

Combat died a couple expansions ago.


I want REAL combat back, not this poop pirate thing.


No this is a terrible idea

Hey, some of you are right and some of you ARE SO VERY RIGHT!!! BUT in order for WoW to advance, there needs to be some type of progression. This was just an idea and suggestion. Rather then being Douche-Nozzles about someone suggestion something, lets work together and refine the idea.

I like it, just change outlaw to it it’s already half way there. New sub isn’t that hrs anyways and the shadowy feel to it is pretty cool

I will never support removing a spec even if I personally hate it.


I’d rather they complete revert combat back to combat and change the pistol for a throwing knife

Effectively eliminate RNG, and replace it with player agency. Pure player agency, it’s the way!