New Spec for Demon Hunters

I know this is talked about a lot but with evokers getting a 3rd spec when season 2 came out why not give Demon Hunters a 3rd sometime soon? Demon Hunters in WC3 could become ranged with meta, and they even had some ranged abilities (I.E Mana Burn).
Giving them that third spec could give some more balance for hero talents, could make them more consistent, and also we would have no more 2 spec classes which I feel is positive. Could give them bows to use, could even make them be warglaive only and have new ranged glaive abilities for the spec. You could even make a new weapon type for the range spec if needed. I think it could bring some more love to the class and also give a unique ranged experience we have never seen before.


We had long discussion about this just recently. Scroll down a bit. Diverse viewpoints represented, so you can see it discussed from all sides. People talking about just what you want to discuss. :slight_smile:

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