New SL Lore Book: "Grimoire of the Shadowlands"

Because this expansion is current, and we have a glimpse of Azeroth through the exploring books.

I can’t be the only one who thinks if this book does well, blizzard will make more for other areas.

You know the book will sell well. Most of their novels/lore books sell pretty well, hence why they keep making new ones every year


The Book will hopefully be so dedicated to the Shadowlands that it gives details on Anima variants and how they work!

Hopefully it will also show us the composition of Stygia and Sin!

Which can honestly be summarized as, “Well…better then nothing, I guess.” Large parts of several races are still critically underdeveloped, and in nearly all cases we don’t even have an idea how their kingdoms or nations even work. Let’s not even talk about the fact that several subfactions have been completely ignored for years…like the Church of the Holy Light still doesn’t have a new archbishop after five expansions. And it took them two expansions to explain anything about the Night Watch after they were thrown away as trash.

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The main reason they are making a Grimoire of the Shadowlands is because the Shadowlands is the primary focus of one Expansion! They might never have another chance to go in depth about it so they are making the Grimoire as soon as possible!

And the playable races have been the focus for 16 years, and yet their nations are still completely underdeveloped.

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You better have joined Maldraxxus, otherwise necromancy of this level is illegal.

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Them being the primary focus of the Game in it’s entirety unlike Shadowlands is exactly why they don’t get much focus as Blizzard thinks it can afford to put it off since they’ll continue to get Focus!

Shadowlands on the other hand has less chance of getting any more focus so Blizzard is getting all of it’s juicy details out of the way as soon as possible!

And with ‘them getting focus’ it pretty much means, “1-3 characters from that race will get some development at best!” But, the nations themselves and the people within these nations? Largely ignored by Blizzard…well…until you need to commit a war crime then they become important.

I soulstone my threads :triumph:


That’s it. A very small glimpse, if even that, at best.

Maybe it’s me, but I always been curious what the troll empires were like when they were at the height of their power. Be nice to learn about their beliefs and way of life in greater detail.

Plus stuff like what the Wild Gods/Loa do when not interacting with mortals. (I love both groups. They’re soo cool)


Update new cover art just dropped with the Blizzcon announcement:

I am willing to bet that there’s going to be art that features Peter Mohrbacher, who did the Blizz store Arbiter art poster, which slaps. I love him.

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Do you know what lore the book contains? Is it flavor lore? Or major reveals?

Nah, don’t know because how could I lol. But the description was updated, which seems to answer your questions.

The afterlives await in this sprawling compendium, lovingly crafted by the World of Warcraft game team and official Blizzard Entertainment historian Sean Copeland.
What lies beyond the veil of death? Journey past this mortal coil and discover the secrets of the afterlives. Study the practices around death and dying on Azeroth, then follow a Broker through the groves of Ardenweald, over the gleaming towers of Bastion, and into the depths of the Maw for a detailed voyage unlike any other. Featuring gorgeous artwork never glimpsed by mortal eyes, a stunning fold-out map, and fresh secrets straight from the game team, Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond is made to be treasured for eternity. In his authorial debut, Blizzard Entertainment historian Sean Copeland opens the vaults of both World of Warcraft and his years of hidden knowledge for all curious souls.

Sounds cool. Going to go pre-order it now. And I just meant if you knew anything about the book. Thanks for description :smiley_cat:

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A Broker? Since this Broker delves into the Maw I’m almost expecting it to be Ve’nari!


Baal, can I message you about this book privately on Twitter, IG, or Discord? I have a question about it that probably isn’t appropriate to express publicly.

Just give me your Discord tag if that’s the platform you prefer. Just let me know which.

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Discord is baalsamael#4685, bnet is Baal531#1468, twitter is MozarabMohan! Up to you uwu <3