New skunk race for horde

they can blast people with skunk spray for a racial
and they would be a blank and white version on valuupas

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only if alliances get porcupine so they are literally a pain .

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that is an idea

No, they will get humans again and they will like it.

Ya’ll lost me with this one

It’s like the roof joke :unamused:

Don’t worry if you don’t get it because it over your head

Thirra said he wants to be the leader of the horde furries

Make Druid. Get PvP bear skin from Legion. Skunk.

:notes: Tiptoe through the tulips with moi! :wink: :musical_note:

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for ahorde druid :open_mouth:

Why did I get a notification from this thread?..

What… where am I!?

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your cousin added you. :open_mouth:

I don’t have a family!

your cats brothers dog added you :open_mouth:

They literally are. Are pain to get these darn blood stains out! Sprained my wrist from all the scrubbing!

imagine if you were the 1st skunk warrior

No thanks, I think we have enough bad smells wondering around Orgrimmar.

what if you were the king of the skunk village?