New Short Story - Hot Steamy Elf Sex

If only Varian Wrynn were still alive…

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I dont see how this dispels anything, the horde is in a bad spot, the alliance is in a bad spot. Rekindling the fire of war right now would be the end of them both.


Guess your not a fan of Alleria and Turalyon then or frankly Windrunners and their human fetish in general. At least Lor’Themar and Thalyssra are the same species.

To be fair, it is as much Alliance players wanting to justify their claims that the Horde was always winning in BfA and the Alliance got completely shafted that were arguing this as much as Horde players claiming dominance. In the end both sides were close to the end of their strength which was kind of the aim Sylvanas was going for I think.

He would likely have done the exact same thing Anduin did, just like he did at the end of MoP, because he would understand that trying to finish the Horde off would probably leave the Alliance so weak it wouldn’t be able to defend itself against anyone else.


Takei voice Oooh my.

Well, these elf eyebrows are sure good for waggling.


The only one pairshipping thats fits, but because only a good story bound them together, but in general, no, i don´t like such things…i don´t like vereesa/Rhonin, i don´t like Sylvanas/Nathanos and such things, no …no…no.

I am not saying the Alliance is not also in an bad stop, but I spent quite a long time trying to convince Dreadmoore his little vision of the Horde somehow being in a better spot than the Alliance is a false one, exhibit A:

Edit: Where you been Spuddyc. Been a long time since I saw you in the forums.


It’s one of those things that I hate to bring up because it makes me sound like a race purist IRL and uh those people are creepy.

But yeah.

High elves and Nightborne are both highly insular societies that for the majority of their existence and the respective characters’ lives, barely interacted with anyone but their own race. They aren’t constantly exposed to mass media normalizing different aesthetics of beauty.

I always feel mixed about things like this because on the one hand, I like from a real-world standpoint that race isn’t a barrier, but from an immersive standpoint like… really, your two races have such visual distinction that we’re not sure you count as the same species anymore, and you don’t even blink at the idea of this as something new and adventurous.

It was easier to buy with Sapphy and Grizz because Gnomes and Goblins have a long history of dealing with each other so they’d have mutual normalization, but these are two of the most historically reclusive societies in the game.

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Ah, ok carry on.

Thalyssra is robbing the cradle.
or Lor’themar is robbing the grave.


I’m sure it’ll be ok, he’s at least several centuries old, he’s a big boy.


(Humor): Don’t worry, the moment something needs fighting the Horde will find out that they actually have plenty of gold, resources, and soldiers.

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Wait a minute… Lor’themar isn’t a human male. Or is he?

Squints at clipboard

No… he’s a Blood Elf alright. But Thalyssra is a Female Elf… Is this legal?

Can someone check if this is legal? Per the Windrunner Doctrine I was under the impression every notable Female Elf is supposed to be paired with a Human Male.

I was under the impression that Malfurion and Tyrande were the only amendment to the Windrunner Doctrine.


Well the same is true of the Alliance but for now I’ll settle for a bit of humble pie being served to Horde fans who think they ended this war better than when they started(or at least better than the Alliance).

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(Clarification): This only applies to female Thalassian elves. This is why Liadrin and Lor’themar aren’t getting together, as was hinted at in, ‘Blood of the Highborne.’

(Humor): Or maybe they are and Lor’themar is a player.


We did though. The Alliance flat out admitted the Horde was better staffed and more capable than they were to defeat N’zoth.

However bad the Horde is, the Alliance is undeniably worse off.


Alleria said that and just like she was proven wrong by 8.3(we didnt need anyone’s army) she was also wrong about the state of affaires.

At this point the Alliance is better able to recover with them living in lands fairly rich in resources. The Horde are now dirt poor, living in lands barely recovering from Cata and a blow to them now could easily end them(as per Lothermar).

Also, with Sylvanas taking her forces and those loyal to her being rounded up by the Horde themselves it just tipped the scales that much further to the Alliance side.

Missed opportunity not calling them Bloodborne Evlves.

We are born of the blood…


I liked it.

It was an enjoyable character piece with endearing romance, hints of foreshadowing, and a brief glance at the current state of one faction. Not to mention, I’ll gladly welcome more interactions and ties between Suramar and Quel’Thalas.

I’m looking forward to the upcoming novel!


Greetings, Blizzard employee.


Now i must kill both of them. Justice for Lady Liadrin