New Shaman Talent Changes

What’s everyone’s opinion on the changes? I’m pretty excited to have extra talent points and more variety.

Edit: They showed the rest of the talents.

there’s nothing to say about this until they’re implemented, as at the moment this is a mess of NYI and missing talents

I wouldn’t look too hard at anything until they drop the next blue post.


Missing quite a bit of stuff, but what i see i mostly like.

I want to see more stuff for enh, although wft removal from the tree is nice.
I already made some suggestions on this matter very recently.

For ele i have issues with the removal of windspeaker. Not happy about that unless it’s made baseline.
I think icefury is here to stay, but why not put it in the tree? If removed, this is a bad idea despite what some shamans players are saying. The only unfun part of icefury has nothing to do with the ability itself anyway, but rather with electrified shocks, which was removed.

Did they move Deeply Rooted elements to the class tree or i read it wrong? If they did that’s a big W, having both the procc and the active cd would feel amazing.

No, it’s just not a choice node with ascendance anymore, but rather a capstone


Looks like it still is a choice node for enhance, i hope they change it for all specs.

The asymmetrical nature of the proposed Shaman class tree is quite the thing to behold.

Despite how illegible it currently is, it does certainly seem to be offering quite a few improvements. I was personally hoping for significantly more changes to the Enhancement spec tree though (particularly in reducing the talent point costs associated with beefing up Lava Lash).

Nothing to really tell at this point, need to wait for the official release.

I know they said it’s not final yet but playing around on the beta with ele:

  1. Ascendance is still the old form
  2. Pwave is still a core aspect of Farseer
  3. Flame shock still on 6 second cooldown

Hoping for more tomorrow!


My expectation were at rock bottom, and I am still disappointed.

DRE and Primordial Wave both appear to be migrating to the class tree, negating the only thing I’ve given our class tree credit for since it was originally previewed in not having mandatory throughput capstones.

[edit] Having now seen the Blizzard post, it appears the datamined notes were giving an inaccurate impression and neither DRE or PWave are moving to the class tree, so the above is retracted.

At least we know the changes are real and so far appear to be significant.


Still look bad for resto. Except moving talent they all look the same with the same number of points


Played enhance for a long time. My friend messaged me and asked if I was excited about the upcoming shaman rework. I knew it’d keep the core of the spec the same. A melee ele shaman.

Started playing sod recently. Shaman can tank, heal, ranged, dual wield and 2 hand. Retail shaman designers are lazy. Sod proves you can do more. Sod proves 2 hand and dual weld can co exist.

I’ll still be playing unholy in tww if I play it. Shaman died with the legion updates, and they’ve been kicking that dead horse ever since.

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Glad you can make sense out of that mess.

SoD has the liberty of not giving a rat’s tail about balance.


In fact they actually try. Shaman is almost too good right now and are being scaled back. Other specs not performing are being buffed

After a brief inspection, I already like what I am seeing from Ele. Things that stand out are just much better pathing, ice fury most likely becoming a passive, and Ascendance being untied from DRE so you can get both. Oh and earthen rage coming back! I always liked the visuals on that even if it’s just passive damage.

For enhance, not much to say, but it looks like feral lunge is out of the tree which is good.

The class tree doesn’t look much different which has me worried. Earth Ele and astral shift haven’t changed in values so that’s not good.

So far looks pretty good, a lot of talents trimmed down from 2 to 1 points, looks like there’s a new defensive totem at the bottom center in the class tree. A few things that I would have preferred not to get removed or knocked down from 2 to 1 at first glance but overall looks great as a sneak peak, and has me hyped for tomorrow.

I like a lot of the changes they posted for the class tree and Ele, but Enhance definitely could use more changes. Too many two point nodes.

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I’m so glad the majority of good enhance feedback was buried under requests for 2hand Enhance, sticking in covenant abilities that have no synergy the spec, and Shaman tank spec.

We couldn’t have done this without you guys.