New Season of Discovery Realm - Chaos Bolt (RP-PvP)

Is the realm status screen up to date? The reason I ask is I wanna use my TV for something other than watching the realm list refresh while I wait for Chaos.

is this server still coming? been one hour


People planning on Alliance or Horde?

FFS give an ETA


They must have really not expected to have to release a new server. Usually they have them ready to go.

Still stuck between night elf and undead my self

I would argue Asmongold does a ton more RP than i’ve seen others do. People just hate his kind of RP. He keeps to himself and does things with his guild that are RP. People just like to ignore and pick and choose the correct type of RP.

Overall I do think its weird they all picked the server but as at least we agree on it its the people that follow. if those people break the rules set by Blizzard…report them.

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When will this server go live? I don’t see it at the moment.

lol, lmao, kek


Yet here you are leaving a trail of salt behind you.

At this rate it’ll be out on Tuesday resets.


Well it’s not even rule breaking it’s just the chaos and community they create. There isn’t really anything rule breaking about spamming chat with “Invite to Asmon layer” or “Invite to The Wall” (his guild). But it completely ruins the atmosphere the rest of us want to create when that’s all you can see in chat.


yup, my single salt trail and not all the ones filling this place up lol

Well during his stream he doesn’t RP in the stream, but in-game he’s quite silent lol.

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This has nothing to do with ability and everything to do with atmosphere.


Easy to say until you realize you’re outnumbered by his followers 100 to 1, and they can just mass report you for anything and the auto-punishment system gets you. Make sure you don’t say anything bad to their god now.

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That sounds like a failing on blizzard.

Too many spuds to report. With all the streamers and their fans there, the place is tainted. Who cares at this point since we’re getting a real RP-PvP server shortly.

Moving on…


Will it be up soon? It’s not on my list.


Are you playing on Chaos Bolt?