New Season - Assassination Damage

Hi! I think y’all forgot something when you toggled on the Awakened scaling. Assassination rogue is struggle bussing.


I swear this has been an ongoing thing and happens every time, no? Tf?

Haven’t tried any other spec than Outlaw since returning but recall friends, streamers speaking on this. ‘Assassination Rogue damage scaling at the start of the season is broken and nobody fixes it.’ - Asmongold maybe?

After Assassination was strong for 4 weeks at the start of season 3, they decided to scale us down. We quickly became the worst rogue spec for single target and AOE.

Why bother reworking our class and spec if you just continue to ignore assassination rogues and our plight? And a bug making us even worse as S4 starts, is just a “kick us while we’re down” type of move.


Yeah. It looks like Whispyr on Ravenholdt was saying it’s a bit better, but we’re still missing 5-7% of ST and 10-12% of AoE in raid. It has to do with residuals being bugged. Weird we aren’t hearing anything from Blizzard on this. Really hoping they’ll look into it. Hanging out with the Aug Evoker on logs kind of sucks.


I would say what things I think are good but I don’t want them to see that and /run to nerf stuff.

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