New Rise of Azshara Cinematic: “Safe Haven”

And that’s fine. But don’t do it at the expense of the other characters and factions by making them act utterly stupid and unrealistic.

And Sylvanas was never cartoon evil, either. Yet that’s the direction they went to sell us this sham of a story.


what we need is when the devs want a faction war they have the alliance be the aggressors next time have them do some REALLY bad stuff because some of the alliance player base wants to be the aggressors.

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No, it really wasn’t. The start of Legion was trending in the opposite direction. Honestly, who watched the Legion cinematic and then the Broken Shore stuff and said “yes, this is clearly trending towards a MoP rehash”?? It did not break this way until Before the Storm. You can big brain yourself to the conclusion that this was always going to happen but character growth was possible and instead they went the lazy route and are doing the same exact plot of a recent expansion.


I want to be honest, this cinematic…kind of puts a sour tone in me. For a couple reasons:

  1. What the hell is Sylvanas doing? Why try to kill Thrall (I get the idea and concept…but just why)

  2. Was Sylvanas sending assassins necessary to sway Thrall to joining Saurfang?

Im just either at the point where: Sylvanas is incompetent at being a military leader OR she is playing 9D chess and wanted Thrall to get involved.

Who knows at this point?


I mean, I really disagree with many of your posts, but you’re 100% right on this one. Even the BFA cinematic contradicts the direction the story is going in. I wonder at this point whether it’s due to

  • obvious misdirection
  • change in direction behind the scenes
  • poor communication behind the scenes - direction changed a while ago, but people didn’t tell the cinematic team
  • Sylvanas is schizo, hence done the 180

I think the Stormheim stuff was a pretty big foreshadowing. Sylvanas is off doing shady unexplained stuff during the Legion invasion. Then of course the end of Legion with the very nice good guy goblin leader revealing the discovery of Azerite to her.


The rest of the Horde has always had a vague concept of honor where there are actions that they would not take even if it means their own death.

Look at Lor’themar with the Divine Bell and the Sha, it was an instant “nope, not using it”. And the Belves aren’t even one of the tribal races. Even recently with the Void Elves.

Garrosh forbidding Sylvanas from using Blight too.

Sylvanas has never, ever, had scruples about taking an action to secure victory.

That mixture was never going to work. It works when she isn’t the leader and can get away with it without the rest of the Horde noticing. When she tries to force it on others though, this is what you’re going to get.


They’re a pair of player character rogues going after 2 raid bosses. What did you expect?

She would never be so blatantly obvious about her deviousness. Sylvanas pulling strings to do questionable things is in character for her. Not the torching of Teldrassil on a whim.


Prior to BFA I think Sylvanas summed herself up perfectly: the difference between her and the Lich King is she works for the Horde. That is calling herself evil by almost all accounts.


In an attempt to cheer myself up after seeing Thrall on a farm has anyone else beside me expected Thanos and Luke Skywalker to show up scratching their heads wondering what the hell is going on. :rofl:

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There’s a difference between shady and outright evil. But maybe Blizzard doesn’t have the simple talent to depict that. And the playerbase is not bothered to care about the distinction between shady and outright evil.

But she was never warchief before and didn’t have the power. No one in the Horde ever trusted her.

Now it doesn’t matter.


It wasn’t a whim any more than her abandoning Varion on the Broken Shore was a whim. It was a matter of running out of good choices and being left with only horrible ones. In Sylvannas’s scales leaving Darkshore with nothing to show for it after Saurfang’s letting Malfurion live would have been a worse outcome than what happened.

She called herself the Lich Queen in all but name. Last I checked, Arthas is evil.


Maybe this is what the writers were going for, but none of this is in-game or in her warbringer where it is literally shown to be on a whim.

We’ve had the discussion before on here that it’s likely they decided to make Sylvanas the antagonist for BFA somewhere around the time 7.2 was in development. The BFA cinematic was completed by then and BtS would have been in the process of being written.

Lol she was sassing Garrosh.


Two things:

  • It was a quip.
  • She also stated she is for the Horde which makes her very not-Lich-Queen.

Edit: I can’t believe I am defending Sylvanas, what the Christ.


What evidence is there for that?

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I don’t know how to say this without being blunt but are you on the spectrum? It was very clearly a sassy remark. She had no intent actually raise people into eternal servitude to her.