In Revendreth those gargoyle fountains come out of the ground like corks in some quests, and are where anima is being drained via Venthyr ritual.
I think this is the “real size” of them, what we get in-game is a reduce visual representation.
In Revendreth those gargoyle fountains come out of the ground like corks in some quests, and are where anima is being drained via Venthyr ritual.
I think this is the “real size” of them, what we get in-game is a reduce visual representation.
The Spanish translates as something like, “We extend our greetings to all who have anima to offer. Afterlives: Revendreth releases tomorrow.”
Yes that is a correct translation, I forgot not everyone speaks Spanish lmao
is that a troll in the first pic
Was wondering the same.
First I was “Wtf voljin?” But he appears somewhere in Ardenweald as far as I know.
yeah im wondering who it is. if its zuljin ima be mad.
Hey! As long as he is not in the Maw, amirite?
Yes I think
maybe bwon give Zalzane to Revendreth for fun
My first thought is that maybe it’s Vol’jin, before Rezan or whoever snatched him up. But I base that entirely on the Troll having a beard. I can’t think why Vol’jin would be in Revendreth though, unless it’s some kind of shady business between Mueh’zala (as Bwom’s boss), and Denathrius.
(Query): Wasn’t Bwonsamdi saving all troll souls? Shouldn’t all troll souls be in the Other Side?
i dont think its voljin, voljin is running around active since you can see him as a ghost in a few places in bfa
Well you basically summon Uthers ghost on several places aswell. This doesn’t seem to be a prevention for it.
My theory I posted somehwere else is: The ghost we summon are mere memories of the person. Like some kind of interactive movies of them.
Like Sith holocrons or so.
Mueh’zala stole Ashamane, Hireek, and Shadra, stands to reason he could’ve gotten some past Bwonsamdi.
Also could be misremembering but I believe Bwon condemned Talanji’s enemies to the Maw from the book, so maybe some were sent to Revendreth?
Or the scenes predate Legion and this is some other troll.
Uther in Legion is the half we released from Frostmourne. Kyrian Uther is the one that didn’t go into Frostmourne.
Vol’jin’s beard was red so it’s not him. It doesn’t look like anyone I can think of so I doubt it’s a specific character.
Unless it’s Sen’jin for some baffling reason.
Zul perhaps?
Oh that’d be spicy. Zul and Yamza and the Blood Mother NPC
You are not allowed to use spicy anymore.
I am Latin American and Bisexual, your request has been denied.
Be glad I don’t use my usual Spanglish on the forums and force all of you to recall your middle/high school Spanish classes!
I demand Spanglish!