New Revendreth Teaser from Spanish Warcraft Twitter *spoiler discussion*

He’s doing it his way

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Didn’t have a beard and the tusks are too small, but I suppose we can’t exclude the possibility that the artists would take some artistic liberties.

Of the trolls I can think of it really resembles Sen’jin most, as I brought up before, but because I have no idea why Sen’jin would be in Revendreth (and also that we know for a fact from SotH he’s with Bwon) I really don’t think it’s him. It’s probably just someone random.

I mean, between the questline and the book, there are quite a few Trolls that Bwonsamdi wouldn’t have rescued, but if they’re in Revendreth than it means they were judged by the Arbiter.

Assuming they’re someone we’ll recognize, perhaps any of the Zul’Gurub or Zul’Aman bosses from Cata?

A Frostmane Whelp, because they deserve it


My first thought was Zalazane, but then I figured Bwon would want to do the punishment gig himself for Zalazane’s insolence and slights towards him, rather than passing him off to the Revendreth.