New Retail expansion OR Classic +

lol you just mad that we enjoy something

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That’s not at all what I said. This pretty much is classic+, will it be good? I don’t know for sure. I hope it is. But yes anyone who was saying that classic+ before is objectively proven wrong unfortunately. I really don’t get the animosity between classic and retail players. Some of yall take this stuff so personal. If someone enjoys classic what is the problem with that exactly?

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:salt: :salt: :salt:



as a classic player, I actually WANT retail to be good.

No, im not mad in the least. I am excited for Cata because my 14 year old will get to play it. Huge Deathwing fanatic. But at the same time I’m not under the illusion that this is some awesome breakthrough thing that is going to rejuvenate WoW and kill off retail. But you all seem really mad that you didnt get what you thought you were going to get even though you had no consensus of what “it” actually was. Enjoy your game. Really enjoy it. But stop huffing the copium that you somehow won the day.

you’re angry that people are happy and not mad. And because they are not mad you think they are lying. :rofl:

Nobody is saying its gonna kill off retail. Don’t worry. You say that we are upset-making assumptions-and you say we didn’t get what we want. I say we did. Everyone had a fantasy about classic+ but any mature person would know that it was never going to be exactly what we wanted. But I personally think its a step in the right direction of what they can do. That’s a lot coming from a person like me too, a critic of blizzard lately

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Aww you are so mad that you actually have convinced yourself that I actually care. Thats sweet. Remember that on Spine of Deathwing to make sure the Hideous Amalgamation are close to an armor plate before nuclear blast goes off or you won’t remove the plate so you can kill the sinew. Oh and make sure the raid shifts to prevent rolling. Have fun!

Where did you get that idea? Like, what? I’m not angry in the least. I’m just enjoying you guys. You almost make me want to play Classic Cata, then I remember that I can basically do that on retail right now, so
plus a lot of other stuff. See what i did there
I can play Cata plus too. wink

:clown_face: :poop: :kiss:

Dont need to get your hatred all out in oneday. Try spread it out over the year lmao.

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You are such an angry person. Do you need a hug?

All out soz, maybe you could try Anduin?

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Manduin is bae.

Okay no, you’re definitely doing it on purpose and are pretending Season of Discovery classic doesn’t exist now. You’ve made it hyper obvious. It’s impossible to be this oblivious and be able to be smart enough to use a keyboard.

Good one, though. Had me going for a while.


What? Are you unable to read? I know about “Season of Discovery” oooo ahhh tell me, what is Season of Discovery and where was it on your Classic+ bingo card?

What bingo card? I just wanted them to retain classic and do something extra with it.

That’s what they did. Ding ding ding, I guess I won lmao


So, thats your answer to my question. In your mind Classic Cataclysm with some surface level changes is exactly what you wanted when you asked for Classic+. If the answer is yes, then I’m happy for you. Enjoy. Hop on Retail and practice Heroic Spine of Deathwing so you have a leg up on that encounter. /cheer

Dude, stop pingponging around just to try to annoy people.

Cataclysm is a different thing from SoD. Do you not understand that? SoD doesn’t take place in cataclysm.

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WHAT? Did you not actually watch the presentation???