New Realm Connections Inc

Yeah and that’s the thing, this is all just stuff I’ve heard over the years, and I’ve got no personal experience with it. As I said a few comments ago, I think these differences were once more pronounced, but really aren’t anymore.

Hell, one of my guild officers has all their ally toons on MG, and I’ve never noticed a difference in RP culture, at all.

Personally I’m happy on WRA and want to boost the Alliance population here, because I think we’ve got more potential of being the crossfaction RP realm - with a fairly equal population on both sides, thus making walk up crossfac RP an option.

But I, on a personal level have no strong opinions on MG one way or the other. Goldshire scares me. Other than that it’s just… another RP realm.

I’m simply relaying what I’ve heard over the years, so I’ll take your word for it, that it’s changed. Certainly sounds like it anyway.

At the end of the day though it’s still irrelevant because I genuinely cannot see Blizzard merging WRA and MG.

I want Cenarion Circle though :smiley:


I feel similarly. It’s not a knock against MG, the big positive to the place is that it has the most Alliance RP by volume. It’s just that the average quality isn’t quite my speed, and the sheer volume can itself by maddening on its own. WrA Orgrimmar doesn’t even compare to how loud and crowded MG Stormwind is.

I may often find no RP whatsoever in WrA SW, but I generally just have more fun when I do.


Even RPing at weird late night hours like I do (I’m often not on until like 2am by server time) there’s usually RP around someplace, I’ve found. And I too really enjoy it here on WRA, even if it’s quieter than it once was.

(Edit: to clarify, even posting on my current main, a Hordie, I’ve RPed Alliance on WRA since MoP launched. I’ve RPed Horde here only since Legion)


While I don’t know much about Moon Guard, it’s mostly sounded to me as if server canon – in the sense of universal acknowledgement of people’s IC accomplishments and ‘ownership’ of specific in-game locations – was never really a Moon Guard thing, but rather that there were a couple of big guilds that wanted it to be a Moon Guard thing while the rest of Moon Guard ignored and/or mocked them.

A lot of those big guilds got nasty if you didn’t want to play their way.

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Fair enough.

I do think that the perceptions of each server’s culture in the eyes of the other have not kept up with the changing cultures themselves. WrA is not as elitist nor MG as pervy as I keep hearing from multiple sides, though I think those perspectives were originally rooted in reality. Maybe they still are, but I don’t think nearly as much so.

They definitely need to do something with the other RP realms. Ravenholdt is so dead. It’s not full of PvE players at all, it’s just occupied by like a dozen RPers lol…

I’d be thrilled if it merged with WrA or a larger realm. I don’t know if merging a bunch of dead realms together will help them. You sort of need to integrate them into something “alive” to reinvigorate them.


This will be essential, frankly.

I reckon the other rp realms need to be merged with wyrmrest, moon guard and emerald dream. Not with each other.

Put the former rp pvp realms with ED. The former RP realms should be evenly divided between MG and WRA.

Easiest fix.

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I can answer this one as I am from MG. Or at least, I can try my best.

Server canon is basically a general agreement between the players on the server than X happened at Y and Z was the outcome. Here is an example:

A group of Scarlet Militants were attacked via Airship by a military group from Stormwind that brought along other members from other guilds to partake and they formed a crater in Silverpine. This event has happened, and is something people can springboard off of keep going in an RP.

Another example is positions of power. Server canon states that X was elected Duke of Darrowshire (just an example) and was replacing Y who was the former Duke of Darrowshire (just an example).

In short, server canon is just a way of keeping all the big, multi-guild events understood across multiple parties. Sometimes it is great, other times not so great.

As for the culture difference between WrA and MG: WrA is more balanced than MG, with a decent split between Horde and Alliance, though it favors Horde more than Alliance in terms of raw numbers. In a way, Horde MG is an extension of alts from Alliance MG.

MG also puts a heavier emphasis on big, guild-woven events. Huge, multi-day campaigns with multiple DMs who help run a massive story for one reason or another. To my knowledge, WrA does not have this, and most guilds try to keep to themselves and maybe two or three others. I have yet to see a guild try and get every GM together to stage a War Campaign or some joint effort, if that makes sense at all?

I hope this was informative in some way. If you want to know more, feel free to ping me in game and I can give a bigger rundown of my own experience on both servers and the friends I have on both.

On the actual topic: More merged realms are good, though I do wish Blizzard bit the bullet and migrated the more dead realms into the new ones. It is a tough call though, as server pride is a very important thing to many players myself included.

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I can see the rppvp realms being merged and RP pve realms being merged. Most of the RP PvE realms are Alliance heavy. Guess population would be a cause of concern. As long as the population becomes more balanced I won’t complain.

Yeah if anything wra needs a few more Alliance friends

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I play on both MG and WRA, I would love to have them connected. I’d also love to have Sisters of Elune.

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If there’s one thing that has my interest with the possibility of a MG x WRA connection, it’s that I would most definitely be able to find a RP/PVE/PVP guild a lot easier.

Never mind making super servers that EVERYONE is forced to be on. Give us FREE character transfers that are restricted to realms that need more players and leave those of us that like our privacy and low population where we choose to be.

I would love Moon Guard and WrA to merge. I think there’d be a ton more cross faction rp!

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Doesn’t work like that, sadly.

Blizzard’s the one ponying up the cash for servers, and the Activision CEO’s bonus has to come from somewhere and they’d probably rather it not be another 800 layoffs.

So the servers get the hatchet this time around.

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props for sheer optimism

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Merge all RP servers with MG. Except wra.

Merge WRA with Tich and Illidan.

That sounds horrifying